Infoseite // AVCHD kovertierung

Frage von dehein2:

I already have a few things about AVCHD Gelsenkirchen and since my SonySR8 is underway now, I would have a few questions, I have been on some other format ResPro and read, but somehow not as the durchblick get ...

1. AVCHD is slow and is of a few well-supported programs. Is it possible - without loss - in a different codec to kovertieren, which is faster and compatible. (Vegas or APP)

2. Has the time spent apart from the disadvantages?

3. What is there for good software solutions? Codecs?

Thank you very much


Antwort von wolfgang:

Read here and advice through the purchase - this is likely your question is largely answered:


Antwort von dehein2:

So it goes directly with Vegas, I knew .. I see this correctly, that the Vegas Cineform codec in Vegas is included?
Would that be because then probably the best material Mögichkeitum ACVHD properly edit?
What I have not yet entirely clear is whether this loss is approaching ..

Thank you


Antwort von wolfgang:

Of course, the transformation into the Cineform Intermediate Codec of a possible solution, because the material is always better than intermediate can edit.

Loss-free: you must distinguish - metrologically can be obtained from such a rendering process Qualitätsdrop always demonstrate this is in the processing chain "AVCHD -> Intermediate -> final form" is not different. But: if this man really looks Qualitätsdrop synonymous, that is another matter. In practice, you can see the Qualitätsdrop just barely.


Antwort von dehein2:

this is hardly synonymous ehr I probably do not disturb ... :) Bruacht one because for the Cineform codec again Plug Ins for Vegas and APP?

Thank you


Antwort von Marco:

The CineForm Intermediate codec is part of Vegas.



Antwort von dehein2:

That sounds good but .. Thank you



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