Infoseite // Capturing without Firewire

Frage von Arne:

Did my life ever video with Firewire gecapturet and now have the following situation: My camera has a small 1394 output, I always s.dem the firewire cable was attached. The Laptot s.den I want, but not a big firewire interface, but a small input 1394, as synonymous s.meiner Camera. What cable do I need? How can I synonymous capturing via USB?

Many thanks in advance


of Arne


Antwort von Markus:

"Arne" wrote: What cable do I need?
Is quite simple: a Firewire cable, on both sides the same times as the one you currently s.Deinen camcorder connects.

Learn More:
FireWire FAQ">5. Firewire can be 4-and 6-pole to pole

"Arne" wrote: How can I synonymous capturing via USB?
Either not or only with a lower resolution or only with great limitations. Which of these options is determined by your camcorder.


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