Infoseite // Cheap camcorder with up to 500 ¬ 3CCD?

Frage von lupo17:

HI guys, I'm on the search for a günsitgen camcorder so I thought s.500 ¬! I've already inquired synonymous and include the Panasonic NV-GS300 is good, it would get for 450 ¬ new course! Ne had normal Mini Dv Camera and I've decided to sell them because you do not watch the videos on the PC could! Did you buy what proposals?
The video expert said a Leica Lens must be indoors and a 3CCD chip!

Waiting for reply, thank you!


Antwort von Fubi:

yes there many times to say google;)
naja is halt vllt. just interesting to know what you want to do as a professional, etc.
ne and mini-DV cam you should always be able to transfer NEN pc.
But here are many who have much time to write;)
prost and otherwise have fun at the start of barbecue season!



Antwort von Bernd E.:

"lupo17" wrote: ... Video expert said a Leica lens must be indoors and a 3CCD chip ...
The 3CCD technology is indeed an advantage, while you think of Leica logo on the Optics not expect too much solltest: In practice you will not have any difference with the lenses to see where "only" Panasonic is.

Gruß Bernd E.


Antwort von Jan:

GS 300 is a good camera, so those were the days when the PAL MiniDV models with a DV In Recording had ....

Leica is definitely superior lens company.

Unfortunately, this is exactly like Carl Zeiss, the Still Image & Video companies are abusing the good name. Often konsturiert of Optics Manufacturer (Leica and Zeiss) lenses, but they do build another company (branding have the hot). Cheap Sony video camera with Zeiss optics cost 180 ¬.

Now you just look at the Page of Leica and Zeiss go and see as the cheapest lenses are often well over ¬ 1000 value. The optics in the target Sonykostet but only 25 ¬ - how can that be?

It may even enter the event (eg Panasonic GS 230), the Leica Optics zb 320 GS a better performance, sharpness. This does not always lie s.der Optics. If for example the CCD, or before the Anti-Alias | Wavefront Mayaing & UV blocking filter is not perfect is not - can give synonymous sharpness losses.

Gladly, the Leica and Zeiss proposition of sellers, mostly because it's the easiest thing is - the customers in your direction to take.

I always say: It's nice that such a well-known optical company with their finger in the game, but they do not expect too much ....



Antwort von WoWu:

The thing with the Focus is already pretty fairly .... a sharp lens that is not fit to the sensor leads to a deterioration in picture and a less good outcome than a lower-resolution lens.
The resolution parameter of the objective must always s.der performance limit of the sensor aligned.


Antwort von UlmsSkyliner:

gs 320


Antwort von zfbku:

NV-GS 230


Antwort von comix:

While I slowly s.den "3CCD = outstanding" doubt. This has maybe 2 years before it. Today's decision should not be identified, you should just watch what superior cameras have CMOS chips.


Antwort von WoWu:

@ Comix

Quote: "3CCD = outstanding"

I think this' sharpness' None has the say and want you to agree.
The CMOS has for me synonymous considerably more far-reaching qualities compared to the CCD and the weaknesses when you know you can handle it well, as with the weak sides of the CCD. Only that by addressing the individual pixels of the CMOS significantly more far-reaching features has.
If I were to choose between CCD and CMOS have been, I would always use CMOS. Only the resolution of problems remains the same for both.



Antwort von Jan:

Yes we are talking to the micrometer range, ie 10 high (-3) mm. There are differences must give. Sensors are synonymous rarely just right.

3 CDD Panasonic Consumer Class models but even drawbacks - its focal is rather poor as this place, I do not mean the 10-12x optical zoom, rather wide.

The focal in 3 CCD Panasonic Consumer is of 45-47 mm. Many 1 Chipper had a good 40 mm (Sony), or even 33 mm (Panasonic GS 90).

The trained eye can be improved but already a "color" see light at slumber are GS 230, 320, 330 and GS 500 synonymous better than a 90th GS The accessories and the features I cling try.



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