Infoseite // For our film "Angie" implementation successful?

Frage von Heinrich123:

We have a Chancellor of the opening video message created.
What is your implementation? Idea?
You have to tell us that the water is up to the neck. Schaeffler has been a fortress and secure jobs and now?
A pity that the external effect is so bad now, but it is really a very good company. You may not believe it how much innovative technology in future Schaeffler is located.
Well enough, but now it's finally about the movie


Antwort von Kar.El.Gott:

Although it is hard for the employees is ...

As a taxpayer, I am strictly against a support of this company

If I were the house of my neighbor only try around the back of the bank to play the front and then buy overpriced rum total and am now broke, she helps me not synonymous!

How much is this great company in good times s.Steuern paid? Probably nothing! And now for those who live in this country is still paying taxes, namely the middle class, all paid.

Presumably, the Milliardärin you do not even money for your film can give ...

Your sorry, yes you can nix this.


Antwort von Axel:

Well, if the film will show how many people by this employer to finance her life, that is with the short cuts succeeded. Find it is not too short, but I am not synonymous epileptics ;-)

The rest comes to me a bit as before. Scenes in Munich, a gantry crane, an airport. Leaves me cold.

If you were Mrs. Merkel, you would be the film on the (tears) go blind. The preservation of jobs is of course synonymous in the interest of the government. If Schaeffler encouraged people to land elsewhere on the road. Each operation can be a video shoot. Opel, for example. Innovative? Save energy? These are all slogans. Ultimately, whether there was the breath holding does not, whether he has a mouse-Diddle green in the logo leads.


Antwort von Heinrich123:

Is it clear to me that this issue is polarized.
It is really so stop being the city of Lahr in the past had many problems zulösen. There would be an employer with over 1200Menschen
the underlying right is hurting.
An accusation, however I can not accept that Schaeffler in the past has paid no tax. The OB said the city currently.
In every school in every playground is the tax money of Schaeffler and his MA there. Technologically, it would be synonymous in terms of environmental issues very well, and Conti Schaeffler would go together. Germany would be a huge technological advantage and what each of them would have. But I do not want to politicize this is to watch the film :-))


Antwort von RickyMartini:

I think the video quite well - only the still images with smooth crossfades, then the video images from the production.
The Color correction makes synonymous gut.

The Einstellungswechel with close-ups in the hall loosen nicely on the video. The speaker is well understood.


Antwort von RickyMartini:

If the Schaeffler group without self-fault in this situation is a possible state aid. To what extent that happens, will tell. The chances seem to be better to stand than at Opel.


Antwort von Heinrich123:

Thanks Ricki excited me.


Antwort von RickyMartini:

"Heinrich123" wrote: Thanks Ricki excited me.

I criticize a movie and not a person!
Thus, I try the "appearance" of "true objectivity" to be true! : D

Do you have more videos made? How many people were involved in it about?
This video helps parts of a film industry in itself, which is very good across. The production show belongs in such a simple film with pure.


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