Infoseite // Hi8/Super8 camcorder?

Frage von Tune:


times I need your expert support ;-)

I want everything possible s.Kassetten digitizer, for I have a VHS video grabber, now I need another solution for the "rest" of the tapes, so Hi8, Super8, etc.

What would be the best solution? Do I have "extra" a camcorder for most? If yes, what is an inexpensive solution?

Thanks already times in advance


Antwort von Bernd E.:

"Tune" wrote: ... wants to do everything possible s.Kassetten digitizer, for I have a VHS video grabber, now I need another solution for the "rest" of the tapes, so Hi8, Super8, etc. .. Do I have "extra" a camcorder to most? ...
The fact that you have for each Kassettenart or a suitable recording format player - that player or camcorder - need should be clear: How else should they be? And for Super8 (if you really do not Video8 and) of course you need a movie projector, so you have the wall of him s.die thrown Picture with a camcorder can abfilmen.
At slightly higher quality would be advisable to
1. the "Video Grabber" by an A / D converter of the Canopus ADVC-series to replace and
2. digitizing of Super8 film reels transferred to a service provider.

Gruß Bernd E.


Antwort von tommyb:

You can get of course a player / recorder growth. Such devices hold of the minds for longer than her camcorder.

However, in view of the generation (and Hi8 is indeed somewhere in the grandfather of HDV;) such equipment, you'll hardly find in good condition. On the bay to land such devices generally. only when they barely work.


Antwort von Tune:

First, thanks for the quick replies.

Hmm ok, with that Super 8 is probably no different ...

Which camcorder and / or which player / recorder would you recommend?

I did not want to spend so much money because I do not use it often will.


Antwort von pailes:

"Tune" wrote:
I want everything possible s.Kassetten digitizer, for I have a VHS video grabber, now I need another solution for the "rest" of the tapes, so Hi8, Super8, etc.

Digital-8-can Hi8 cameras on the firewire port as normal digital output. Personally, I found this earlier times quite practical. Possibly. You will find so ne-8-Digital Camera cheaply on Ebay. I got my still, you could reprogram the synonymous so that they both have a digital as synonymous had an analog input (ie, quasi as a "digital VCR).


Antwort von Bernd E.:

"Pailer" wrote: ... Digital-8-can Hi8 cameras on the firewire port as normal digital output ...
A large proportion of these devices can do really, but certainly not all: Before buying second-hand (there's this new D8 camcorder no more) So look closely at whether the current model offers this feature synonymous!
Interest relating to general information can be found here:
Six ways to Video8/Hi8 to Digitizer (except item 3 is synonymous for VHS).

Gruß Bernd E.


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