Infoseite // Please advice to purchase: Mini-DV camcorder up to approximately 600 euros

Frage von Dominique:

I would be grateful to you if you help me with the decision for a particular camcorder behilftlich could be. Thanks already s.dieser place for the many helpful articles that I am up to my current state of the considerations brought.

Background: We get a young family and want images for later determinations. The Picture quality should be so that the reputation of the films synonymous in a few years, yet fun. And I want the camera to use with a long horizon, not just 2-3 years. Automatic Programs I generally find very pleasant, not because I'm such an expert.

My requirements (so far - about your comments, I am pleased):
- Mini-DV
- DV-in for the long-term archiving
- Image Stabilization (optical is a must? Or just nice-to-have?)
- External microphone port (if possible. If not, then do not stop!)
-> What would be your view, nor from central criteria?

Status of my thoughts:
- Price: Meanwhile at max. about 600 euros, we were initially of 300 to 400 euros expected, but think that that is not permanently be fun. (?) (In particular missing most of the DV-in).
- My current favorite: Panasonic NV GS 300 (there's even on the Internet) - is so synonymous in the contributions as described very good Camera (500 is too expensive).
- The professional photo around the corner recommends SonyHC96 - especially because of the touch screen. And do not give anything other than Sony or Panasonic!
-> What you think, speaks for the one or the other model? What are your experiences?
-> On the Sony website can be found X predecessor models. I've dreamed about on DV - In spotted, but honestly, I do not know how I get another choice under reasonable alternatives should take. Can you recommend what?
-> Cases you also have alternatives that I mentioned in my considerations should include (for example, of Canon? MVX 460?)

Thank you very much for your efforts!

Best Regards


Antwort von Peter06:

So to see my Sig HC96


Antwort von dookie201:

I can give you only the synonymous recommend HC96, because I myself have.
Incidentally, it also due to get my junior. As a gift of my parents. :)


Antwort von Rene K:

save money and take the Panasonic NV-GS 180 eg. you have the micro input and headphone jack on the monitor.


Antwort von Dominique:


very sincere thanks for the tips. Especially for the link on I was really an essential piece in the decision-making further. I am now a test object in the store s.echten try.

Thanks again and many greetings,


Antwort von Dominique:


A question still to Lens of the two cameras. Can you tell me how relevant the differences of the assessed Lenses?
Specifically, how relevant is the difference in terms of the widest angle?

In NV-GS300 EC:
Lens quality F1, 8 - F2, 8
Focal: 3.0 - 30.0 mm (KB: 46,1-461)

In SonyHC96:
Lens quality: f1, 8 - 2.9
Focal: 5.1 -51
converted to 35 mm Small: 4:3 mode 40-450/16: 9 mode 42,8-495

Thank you already s.dieser site.
Many greetings


Antwort von Markus:

Hi Dominique,

You need in everyday life (especially without a tripod) rather than the wide-angle to telephoto range. Wide Focal small Angleheißt incidentally, in this case, for example, 46.1 mm for the GS300.

The lens quality as the designated values indicate how much light in the specified electronic zooming in the tribunal. The smaller the value, the better. Here are two camcorder models with 1:1,8 in the wide area at the same level. About the achievable image quality but it says nothing, since other factors synonymous with the image generation play a role.


Antwort von znieh:

With both cameras, the WW-field bad. Indoors, you will soon curse!

For me, a criterion for purchase in each of the Image Stabilization: an EIS (HC96) deteriorated in contrast to an OIS (300/320) image quality, especially in less light, synonymous if experience does not confirm the alleged taking can be an EIS certainly better than stabilizing effect. If the difference but once seen, is annoyed.

Heinz znieh =


Antwort von Udo Schröer:

"Dominique" wrote: Hi,

A question still to Lens of the two cameras. Can you tell me how relevant the differences of the assessed Lenses?
Specifically, how relevant is the difference in terms of the widest angle?

In NV-GS300 EC:
Lens quality F1, 8 - F2, 8
Focal: 3.0 - 30.0 mm (KB: 46,1-461)

In SonyHC96:
Lens quality: f1, 8 - 2.9
Focal: 5.1 -51
converted to 35 mm Small: 4:3 mode 40-450/16: 9 mode 42,8-495

Thank you already s.dieser site.
Many greetings

The NVG 300 has a Leica lens and is qualitatively very good. The network offered Cams (300) among euro 600th - usually only on an English menu



Antwort von Peter06:

"znieh" wrote: With both cameras, the WW-field bad. Indoors, you will soon curse!

For me, a criterion for purchase in each of the Image Stabilization: an EIS (HC96) deteriorated in contrast to an OIS (300/320) image quality, especially in less light, synonymous if experience does not confirm the alleged taking can be an EIS certainly better than stabilizing effect. If the difference but once seen, is annoyed.

Heinz znieh =

For more WW, you can still have a WW-converter to buy.

Have you seen the difference? I did.
The EIS of the HC96 works better than the Panasonic OIS.
The picture he is much worse, I can not say synonymous - in low light, the hc96 clear nose in front, synonymous with the EIS.
For indoor shots are very unlikely to zoom and therefore little need stability.
The HC96 has a 1 / 3 "CCD with 3,000,000 pixels, 2,057,000 of which are used by a video image.
The GS300 has 3 x 1 / 6 "CCD with 800,000 pixels = 2,400,000 total. Of these, 640,000 effective pixels x 3 = 1,920,000 pixels used to create Picture.

The bigger the CCD, the more light it can appear and the better it works.
In order to show you how small the 1 / 6 "... here is not it, but you can imagine:
zum Bild

Here are details about how the OIS in the Pana works:!318


Antwort von Hollinizer:

And for all models, it will then again to 576 X 720 pixels down! (Except for HDV)


Antwort von Hollinizer:

About the benefits of 3 CCD technology has already been reported öffters. I have not yet seen the Cam with a chip makes better pictures than one with 3 CCD


Antwort von Peter06:

What exactly do you have cameras already seen?
That you can not generalize.
Let us take the extreme example here:
3CCD Did not synonymous - do you think is worse than the pana?
or sony HC1, 3, 5 and 7 - not everything 3CCD ...

Or yourself comparatively simple ...


Antwort von Hollinizer:

Quote: Let us take the extreme example here:
3CCD Did not synonymous - do you think is worse than the pana?

I'm sorry if I am as Klugscheißer oute but the DSR-400PL has 3 2 / 3 "CCD 'Can you see on the Sony web site: biz_de_DE = & category = DVCAMCamcorders

The chips are just Bigger 2 / 3 instead of the usual 1 / 3


Antwort von Udo Schröer:

Hi Peter,
HDV Cameras Due to specify the other system (HDV) in terms of image quality have spotted .... You compare apples with pears here.
Then drag synonymous please SonyFX1 Z1 or similar models of Canon with 3 CCD Technology in Comparison with a HC1 or HC 3
And once again you are a chip Therorie in the shade!

The Pannasonic 300, I have recommended above, because someone has a cam max euro 600th - searches.

The magazine has this video camera, as one of the few in the small format, among the top 15 are. They go with the price upward and although strong!

PS: I myself use a SonyHDR-FX1 and had until recently a DCR-VX2100e,

"Peter06" wrote: What exactly do you have cameras already seen?
That you can not generalize.
Let us take the extreme example here:
3CCD Did not synonymous - do you think is worse than the pana?
or sony HC1, 3, 5 and 7 - not everything 3CCD ...

Or yourself comparatively simple ...


Antwort von Jan:

Hello Slashcam,

I really wanted to get me this time not interfere because the two models in about a tie is required, even see the pictures on the Internet at the Sony better, or stop at Panasonic (

We had the two models already totdiskutiert eg in:

GS 280 vs. HC 94

Meanwhile, Peter has the power K 100 "found", now synonymous standard 3.5 mm microphone jack s.die HC 90,94,96 connected.

It's like Mercedes to BMW, look at the models prefer to live somewhere, and decide for yourself.

The Canon 450 / 460 against the models have no chance MVX 45 I was rather in the class.



Antwort von Peter06:

Ok, was a stupid example.
Just wanted to say that HC96 and GS300 equivalent.
Both have advantages and disadvantages of the one or the other is preferred.


Antwort von Jan:

Everyone has their favorite, but is ok Peter - if you look forward HC 96.

Let the night program, either or NightShot Slow shutter - so with 1 / 12 -1/25 sec is certainly more effective than Panasonics 1 / 50 with dark picture in the auto and 1 / 3 or 1 / 6 in the night program - now what times Thanks to the extremely long shutter jerky without end.

As I recently synonymous reinforces the idea that here Canon & Panasonic employees in Slashcam s.Werk are - so good you can not hochjubeln products and damn everything else.




Antwort von znieh:

Interesting idea - with the staff.

Indeed, it is so that one has their own experience.

Sony1: I had a SonyHi8, which was actually quite passable - until the first holiday in Tuscany plastic bracket without warning cancels the shoulder stops, making the camera the way down and was 10 cm next to the pavement in sandy Wegesrand landed. A clear material error. The Camera entsandet carefully, as far as it went, they then presented their service: submitted to Cologne with any warranty claim notice, which I like a new sand-grain-free model would get. After 4 weeks of lapidary Note that the unit had arrived. A second letter, on the grace to repair, and spare parts from Japan arrived to be. I found this so bad that I have been a wide arc around Sony Mache.
Sony2: Touch Screen, which is a disaster for me, I want direct access to manual features synonymous without Displaybepatschen or pen tip. Admittedly matter of opinion.
Sony3: EIS, synonymous if there are other opinions about this.

Canon: Handling of the equipment usually via direct keys, which I like. But I have a feeling that Canon is running behind technologically and become very cheap to take care market. Drive-and Zoomgeräusche, neglect of the OIS.

Panasonic: Panasonic All the devices that I've purchased so far run smoothly and are well designed, the tints on the assessment of the cams from. But Strange Ausstatungspolitik; so important why not DV - In at the akzuellen 3Chippern? For whom are made for? I secure my films but on tape, DVDs are just Vorführspielerei. Why not 16:9 - Display in all devices? Why, despite the claim Wegrationalisieren inputs (MIC). Why is it so bad, despite WW OIS (320)?

The camcorder is the ideal moment for me not to buy (maybe the Canon HV20 soon):

OIS, synonymous with photo function
good wide-angle
16:9 display and recording, s.besten larger than 2.7 inches
Direct control of manual functions
Sharpness scheme s.Lens
Lowlightfähigkeit good (not green)
good haptic
DV - In
Standardized Connectivity Accessories
proper weight and material
no drive-and Zoomgeräusche
samtweiche zoom

znieh = Hienz


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