Infoseite // Solution WHAT: Who has a Panasonic DMR-EH56 and can help?

Frage von Johannes Clemens:


I have the thing back to get running.

Approach in the short format:
- Zerschossene HDD s.einen PC?, With Knoppix (or similar) boot
- HDD using dd completely secure
- HDD recorder installed in the back and with this format
- HDD s.PC again? and another dd-Image
- The image of the HDD zerschossenen again back to the HDD copy
- The first 512 bytes of the formatted image with dd to copy

Runs ... ;))) * Freu *




Antwort von Ferenc Staedter:

On 03.09.2007 09:55:53 John Clemens wrote:

> I have the thing back to get running.
> Approach in the short format:

Congratulations, a creative solution because you've found.

lG Ferenc


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