Infoseite // Sudden loss of FireWire

Frage von CAP:


My first question after much study in this really cool, super informative board:

After I with my iBook long as normal on the Programs iMovie and Final Cut Pro with my Panasonic NV-GX7 communicate (control, capture and rausspielen) could be for some time, no contact via firewire to build more.
First, I've updated everything, then swapped in the process of elimination and Cable Camera and can work successfully with a different cam.
My conclusion was, therefore, that the jack is my cam in the bucket. That was very annoying but accepted too, had fought the good piece but had tough days, many trips and a lot of dust. Sometime ists halt so far, I've been thinking ...
Until today, when a friend had borrowed the Cam and s.seinem Mac (Powerbook) all went well.

So where could be the problem if my computer has no problems with other than my camera and my camera with no problems other than my computer has? Logo?

Information about I'd be very grateful.

Best regards - Christoph


Antwort von PowerMac:

Because what could be technically adjusted hardware:

PRAM reset thrice. Reset in the original version (Open Firemare) everything. Power Manager reset.
To all you find anything via google.


Antwort von CAP:

Yay, great! It works. You're a king. Thank you.

Greeting - Christoph


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