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Frage wegen Styroporplatten/Aufhellen

Question because of styrofoam plates / Brightening

Frage von UlmsSkyliner:
Mai 2008

Styrofoam plates are well known to the brightening.
So when a rotary draussen, brighten the face.

When the sun directly on the actor seems to blink it just yet and sunglasses would probably not fit.

Therefore, actors in the shade and with the Styrofoam plate brighten.

With cloudy skies, however, this is not necessary, right?

MfG Chris

Edit from Mod: Thread in the category "Filmmaking" postponed.

Antwort von ef.multimedia:

Sun slanting slightly backward as a top level of use, then with the slanted front of the reflector brighten. A Page of the reflector with aluminum foil "covering", so you can choose between 2 magnitudes. EPS for bit brighter side, aluminum foil for strong brightening.

Antwort von Pianist:

"UlmsSkyliner" wrote:
With cloudy skies, however, this is not necessary, right?

Ooooooooh - say not. Just under a cloudy sky is a brightening of the faces certainly very helpful. Then you will need someone who the people of the sloping bottom of the chest and hinhält necessary mitläuft if the players move.

At first glance, the effect may be small, but just this small portion is significant. I do not even scenic stuff, but forgot the times at a crime scene turning in the heart of Berlin observed.


Antwort von Axel:

"UlmsSkyliner" wrote:
With cloudy skies, however, this is not necessary, right?

Here is that possibly a half-aperture more light on the face in front of the gray sky falls, the difference between a normal life and a morbid feeling a doomsday scenario. The sky is almost always necessary because of there more times as much light into the lens is that the automatic aperture closes. Would you simply hand of the aperture open as far as that the face is well durchzeichnet, would have heaven knows ausgefressen whatever extremely cheap video look after. The aim, therefore, the brightness variations reasonably align.

Antwort von UlmsSkyliner:

Good explanation!
Thank you!
And then only one Gesichtsshälte brightened, so that the face of "plastic" and does not so flat, flat?

Or should the whole face are affected?

Antwort von Axel:

As you like it. A very good director gave a friend a photo camera. When asked if he attaches to any hint of good photos would have said he "never use a flash!". Which brings the question of flat lighting brilliantly answered.

Antwort von UlmsSkyliner:

Just look at the Styroplatte with aluminum foil "relative".

Much better than just the Styrofoam plate.

Which film do I have another page of the styrofoam plate "refer"?

Antwort von Pianist:

"UlmsSkyliner" wrote:
Which film do I have another page of the styrofoam plate "refer"?

Leave it as it is. And check out the difference in times.


Antwort von B.DeKid:

From the outdoor area reserved "emergency blankets" ... which, besides a gold silver synonymous Page .... the plates could therefore once white / silver and one white / gold's.

That always helps and is inexpensive.

B. DeKid

A PS plate is synonymous with black times related to certain lights to swallow.

Antwort von Markus:

There is little money for synonymous Faltreflektoren with several references (mostly white, silver, gold and black). The do not need as much space as styrofoam plates, if they are stored or transported.

Antwort von B.DeKid:

Exactly what Mark says is correct aqbsolut. I have several here that I take out the most here
All DIY reflectors are usually too bulky, but with sleeping mattresses from the outdoor area reserved synonymous I've already done before I "right" had reflectors.

Antwort von Pianist:

"Mark" wrote:
There is little money for synonymous Faltreflektoren with several references (mostly white, silver, gold and black). The do not need as much space as styrofoam plates, if they are stored or transported.

There is but one small problem: These fabrics are moving in the wind, so that the light thus synonymous constantly changing. For photos is not so, but in moving picture already. This is why I have such Faltreflektoren classified as unfit.


Antwort von PowerMac:

Apart from this, they crackle, especially on the wind. Aluminum foil-coverings are even worse and louder. I only use it without sound and build the wind directly in the staging of On. Best is someone who will still stick with the moving shadow of a bush simulated.

Antwort von B.DeKid:

Ok Ok .... yes it can cause noise come.

If you want to go so make recommended Softboxes example of the multi-flash can be synonymous in silver or in gold inside his skin. I think this works but is expensive and somewhat synonymous Money costs more.

It is precisely on the Eisatzzweck and the money you invest s.was can / want.

But with the sound is a relevant thing that I had not considered.

And someone with a bush sticks mimes ..... let me, I remember the times ;-)

B. DeKid

PS Softboxes on Ebay ..... Softboxes Walimex I have only 2 pieces, can not really make a serious difference to the multi-flash boxes recognize. (Ok, maybe even the Walimex bayonets are somewhat simpler than the structure of multi-flash)

Antwort von UlmsSkyliner:

Have a bit today with my related Stroplatte "played around".

Really big difference, especially when you're in the post then edited the recordings and then compares.

The sky was not the shots with the picture, it comes to me why so that the face has been brightened too much?

Say that you just brighten up the face, if the sky with the Picture, because it seems to me the face a little too bright before.

If I only Gesichtshälte brighteners, looks in any case better.
plastic and not so flat!

I would say that it is not always perfect, the whole face aufzuhellen, it halt on the day depending on condition, etc., right?

Antwort von Axel:

"UlmsSkyliner" wrote:
I would say that it is not always perfect, the whole face aufzuhellen, it halt on the day depending on condition, etc., right?

It depends on exactly what you want, and how you can reach it. It is not "sufficient light," it's about "good light" to "very good light," it has to do with brightness gradations, it is about nuances. Therefore synonymous None can tell you how to do that. It is painting with light. You'll be glad that these experiments have to be made before the PAR lamps are there. Because without the dosage of natural light to dominate, would you hate artificial, because you also would not dominate. Now you will love it, because it expands your options. Formerly known as Film Lichtspiel.

Antwort von DWUA:

@ Axel
@ All

"Painting with (little) Light" ...
Before nearly 500 years ago:

Image Search> Georges de La Tour


Antwort von PowerMac:

"Axel" wrote:
(...) Without the dosage of natural light to dominate, would you hate artificial, because you also would not dominate. (...)

Yes! It is unbelievably out with a lot of Styro make.
Great films make it synonymous otherwise. Only slightly bigger everything.

Antwort von smooth-appeal:

The Faltreflektoren we use are only for very strong winds. The system s.sich is more than useful, at least the two sides of reflectors with no extra clothing to climb on it, etc., are good and practical. Largely because of the size of transport!

@ Axel, the director what I would have told. Without light flashes and shaper, I could not live. Available light - Boo! ;-)

Former Apropro light, never buys Walimex if its not for the money or Aurora Rimelite can have. Aurora has a good quality and is synonymous products for her video recordings (Fusion Series). Who can spend more or should you wish to use Chimera.

Antwort von Axel:

"Axel" wrote:
A very good director gave a friend a photo camera. When asked if he attaches to any hint of good photos would have said he "never use a flash!"
"smooth-Appeal wrote:
@ Axel, the director what I would have told. Without light flashes and shaper, I could not live. Available light - Boo! ;-)

The director was Stanley Kubrick. He was not only a photographer, film maker before he was, at least in his last six films are made according to the principle that a great deal of light has been made available (existing, visible light sources, bulbs are reinforced by others, with great assistants run-brightening paperboard in addition to the cast wise) A lecturer in media technology, told us to light the candles in Barry Lyndon recordings were only through the support of artificial light have been possible to prove the basis of images from the film. We were able to rebut. There were many reflectors in use, the lens had an aperture of f0.8, and the camera shutter had to be Is-not-more has been cut out. The few seconds candlelight production cost hundreds of thousands. But artificial light? Never. For Kubrick, there were no compromises.

Based on the flash is of course a built in Flash or directly aufgesteckter mean one who the subject is front lit. This can only be terrible.

Antwort von UlmsSkyliner:

I was on a "blue Cokin 80 a" note.
This sörgt ensure that the sky is no longer so far is ausgefressen.

With the filter, so no one has more white sky, then you need even with a reflector brighten the whole face?


"Would you just hand of the aperture open as far as that the face is well durchzeichnet, would have heaven knows ausgefressen whatever extremely cheap video look after."

Antwort von PowerMac:

It is not just about the contrast between sky and face, but an artistic illumination of the face.

Antwort von B.DeKid:

"UlmsSkyliner" wrote:

With the filter, so no one has more white sky, then you need even with a reflector brighten the whole face?


Well that depends so s.was of the picture you want .... there is no standard VVorschrieft how something needs to be lit. So you can so you do not say Yes or No, you have to shape it in your herrausfinden yourself.

in the use of filter you have to anyway visors and light ensured. If the filter is drawn with the course, this is sometimes easier, it is a full ton filter will, of course, already closely without extra lighting.

As we have said will find it for yourself out, but usually you have to facial synonymous with filter illuminate.

B. DeKid

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