/// Slashcam - About us |  |
| About slashCAM
slashCAM is the biggest German online magazine about digital video and
independent filmmaking (over 50.000 page impressions a day) -- with reviews
and daily news we keep our readers informed about new products and
technologies. Furthermore we offer a large database with hi-def camcorders,
a benchmark, a glossary, a freeware directory, a link directory, a well
frequented user board, and more.
Unfortunately, at this point it is impossible for us to translate all of our
content, so to start with, you´ll only find the hi-def camcorder database as
well as short versions of some our news in English.
If you have any remarks or questions, or if you would like to advertise on
slashCAM, please do not hesitate to send us an email (address see below)
slashCAM ist published by
channel unit GmbH
Schönhauser Allee 167c
10435 Berlin
Tel. +49 - (0)30 - 49853650
E-Mail: slashcam---antispam76433--@slashcam.de
(please omit "---antispam76433---" for mailing)
more Info
All content © slashCAM and respective author; all rights reserved.
Please note: Our pages contain product names, logos, trademarks eg. owned by
third-parties; they remain property of those parties.
Although we take great care checking all information contained on our pages,
please understand that we can not gurantee for its correctness.
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