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DVL-Digest 1393 - Postings:

Best price for a DSR-11? - (2)
Kona (was Re: Best price for a DSR-11?)

Best price for a DSR-11? - "Valerie Shoaps"

I need a DSR-11 soon, but I'm still hurting badly from Christmas. Can anyone recommend a shop that has a blow out on these? Greymarket is OK. Also, if anyone has one for sale with light usage, please email me privately.
Creative Cow Forum Leader
- Adobe Premiere
- Bay Area Video & Motion Graphics UGs

Best price for a DSR-11? - "Valerie Shoaps"

>The cheapest I've seen for a new one is through B&H @ .
>Slim pickins on ebay...What's your target price?
Hi George,
I'm trying to beat B&H by a reasonable margin. I have money allocated toward other things (like the Kona), so every bit left is food and clothes.
I actually contacted someone off of eBay. They are local and had one for sale. Made her an offer, then it turns out she wanted 50% up front and would have it sent to her from "the warehouse" and then I could pick it up. I got a bad feeling because there wasn't any tax, so that meant to me "not out of a store". Warehouse? Eeekkk... I'm blonde but not naive.
I may walk down Market St. tomorrow and check with all of the greymarket electronics places. Those guys just eat me alive, though. I can't bring my (ex)boyfriend, because he can't know ;-)
I figured I'd check here before doing that.
Creative Cow Forum Leader
- Adobe Premiere
- Bay Area Video & Motion Graphics UGs

Kona (was Re: Best price for a DSR-11?) - "Valerie Shoaps"

>Have you seen this article?
And I didn't need to. Kinda really nails that old MC 8000 out to pasture, doesn't it? By the way, CompUSA has a deal on Maxtor 200 gig ATA133 8mb chache drives this week. after rebate. One per household. My Mom even bought one <>
He doesn't mention that the Leitch DPS-575 is around . Isn't that what Grant says he uses for the converters? I'm looking at the little Aja boxes for my A-D-A.
I'm still trying to get warm to FCP. It's interface just doesn't feel "friendly" to me, among other things that I shouldn't say.
It looks like brown rice and carrots for awhile.
Creative Cow Forum Leader
- Adobe Premiere
- Bay Area Video & Motion Graphics UGs

(diese posts stammen von der DV-L Mailingliste - THX to Adam Wilt and Perry Mitchell :-)

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