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A DV(L)-FAQ [e]

DVL-Digest 1587 - Postings:

Simple Question regarding DVD Encore... - (2) - (3)

Simple Question regarding DVD Encore... - "Perry Mitchell"

From: Wes Howell
Hey Doc,
No worries,
Encore will accept practically any file that you can open in Windows media
player ...as well as elementary streams, ac-3...will encode stereo, accept
5.1 (created elsewhere)
It also offers a few features that are very powerful. You could think of
them as offering "under the hood" scripting.
i.e. End action, subpicture highlight delays, looping, the ability to return
to certain buttons in a menu. The Photoshop integration is killer, setting
chapters is a snap.
As you can tell, I love it. In fact, I love it so much, I decided to write
a book :)

Simple Question regarding DVD Encore... - "Perry Mitchell"

From: Doc Del
Yikes! That is an inconvenience to be sure but which has
work-a-rounds. I've been working with this limitation since I left CS3
behind. DVStorm2 doesn't work with QT files. VV4 works with them but
the output is UGLY! So I always have to print to tape and recapture as
an AVI file....

Simple Question regarding DVD Encore... - "Perry Mitchell"

From: Doc Del
Many thanks, Perry! I downloaded it and installed it. I will play with
it in the morning.
One elementary question(as oppose to elementary streams) though.
I have avoided conversion processes on the chance that some of the video
image quality may degrade in the process. Are my precautions
I have an extensive library of data DVD's of stock footage, much my own
but some of other folks works. All of the files are qt(who woulda
thought that I would ever abandon CS3?) so if the image quality stays
the same in the conversion process I just may save myself some DVCAM
tapes and some extra hours of work.

(diese posts stammen von der DV-L Mailingliste - THX to Adam Wilt and Perry Mitchell :-)

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