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A DV(L)-FAQ [e]

DVL-Digest 482 - Postings:

Steadicam-like devices

JVC GY-DV500 PAL? - "Perry"

The pictures straight out of the box look very good, but to an old timer
used to Betacam pictures there are 2 obvious differences:
1) The saturation is pretty high. The camera has a Color Matrix (which
defaults to 'on') which gives this high saturation and is supposed to appeal
to the videography market. You can turn the Matrix off in the menus which
gives a much less garish picture.
2) The default 'Detail' is pretty high. This is very user dependent and
will also be effected by the final target media. Personally speaking, for
material staying on DV or bumped to another pro format, I would switch the
'DTL. FREQUENCY' to 'HIGH' and turn the 'DETAIL' level down a notch or two.
Perry Mitchell
Video Facilities

Steadicam-like devices - "Perry"

The SteadyTracker (now from Promax) doesn't have a gimbal fitting, but
relies upon the operator's fingers. This works surprisingly well and is
MUCH easier to use than the gimbal type units.
I bought mine after experimenting with a folded tripod, but a well balanced
SteadyTracker is much more flexible and can do many wondrous things!
You do need quite strong arms to use it for the longer shots, but I'm 55 and
no Charles Atlas so it's not a big deal.
Perry Mitchell
Video Facilities

(diese posts stammen von der DV-L Mailingliste - THX to Adam Wilt and Perry Mitchell :-)

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