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DVL-Digest 693 - Postings:

DCR-TRV900 vs GL1 (vs. VX1000)
DCR-TRV900 vs GL1 vs.VX1000

DCR-TRV900 vs GL1 (vs. VX1000) - "Perry"

Graham Baker posted:
>The TRV900 has great difficulty in focusing on pure reds - red
roses/tulips cannot be resolved.
Not sure if this is also a problem with the GL1 and why it's a problem
with the TRV900 - my understanding of optics/colour (which is not a lot)
is that the 3ccd setup should compensate for poor focusing of reds due
to the different focal points of red, green and blue?<
This is a common problem, even on broadcast cameras.
Basically, although the 3 CCD sensors pick-up the 3 colors separately, it is
common practice to derive the edge sharpening ('aperture correction') from
just the green channel. This works well for most scenes but falls flat on
it's nose when you get a pure red object like a flower. Since the
auto-focus is probably also driven from this same signal (ie optimising the
green edges) then this will also suffer.
Perry Mitchell
Video Facilities

DCR-TRV900 vs GL1 vs.VX1000 - Adam Wilt

ok...Does anybody have experience with both Sony's DCR-TRV900 and Canon's
> GL1? If so can you let me know the differences and/or which you preferred?
I've done some side-by-side comparisons:
http://www.2-pop.com/library/articles/1999-11-15-1.html - VX1000
http://www.2-pop.com/library/articles/1999-11-17.html - TRV900
http://www.2-pop.com/library/articles/1999-11-19.html - GL1
http://www.2-pop.com/library/articles/1999-11-22-2.html - All 3 compared

(diese posts stammen von der DV-L Mailingliste - THX to Adam Wilt and Perry Mitchell :-)

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