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A DV(L)-FAQ [e]

DVL-Digest 704 - Postings:

DV timecode capture accuracy [
Filming vs Taping
PD150 Prog Scan - 15 or 30 fps

DV timecode capture accuracy [ - Adam Wilt

How are you on timecode accuracy on DV capture? FCP (or QT4?) can be
> off by one or two frames which is driving the film offline community
> nuts as far as using DV. Everything has to be manually checked.
> Email me directly if you want to discuss this offline.
Please, keep it online!
[Or if not, please copy me on the discussion!]
Adam Wilt

Filming vs Taping - Adam Wilt

What about "speed" Robert!:??? :-)
I still use "speed" when shooting videotape, even with SOT (Sound On Tape!).
Overeager directors like to call out "Roll camera! Action!" in one breath,
without letting me (a) verify that tape is rolling, and (b) lay down a
five-second preroll for editing purposes. Even though "speed" is no longer a
callout to indicate that the speed and sync butterflies on the Nagra are
visible, it's an invaluable part of the ritual (once I've trained the
directors!) ensuring the shot will be editable from the first important frame.
I still use "rolling!" to indicate that yes, I heard you, and yes, I pushed
the little red button, but you're bloody well going to wait until I say
"speed!" before you cue the actors if you want the shot to work!
Adam Wilt

PD150 Prog Scan - 15 or 30 fps - Adam Wilt

Is there an easy place to download one of these resolution test charts to
> print out? What about other test charts?
I don't know of a good place to download test patterns. There's an old
Indian-head test pattern at http://www.pbryant.com/, but it's not really what
we're looking for!
If you hit http://www.dv.com/magazine/2000/0900/wilt0900.html and scroll down
to the "VX2000 Progressive" image you'll see the lower left corner of the
resolution test chart I use.
Most of the pro video stores have these charts available at reasonable rates,
or you can order them from the likes of http://www.markertek.com.
Adam Wilt

(diese posts stammen von der DV-L Mailingliste - THX to Adam Wilt and Perry Mitchell :-)

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