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A DV(L)-FAQ [e]

DVL-Digest 706 - Postings:

Why stop at 2/3 inch?

Lenses - "Perry"

Bruce A. Johnston posted:
>You and me both, brother. The Canon 6-to48mm is the most all-
around usable piece of glass I've ever touched.<
Curiously, Canon make a version for 16mm film, I wonder which came first?
Also curiously (warning - Perry's in reminisce mode!) I have 2 because I
broke the first one clean in two pieces. I was shooting in a Ski resort in
Switzerland and my camera (an early Betacam) had already been down the
downhill course and up on a hand glider, neither with me in tow I hasten to
add! I was doing some background stuff of jewellery shop windows when the
camera got dropped onto an icy pavement. It ripped the lens mount clean out
of the camera and split the lens in two. Canon had a support truck (it was
the Skiing World Champs) and they managed to do a temporary repair. I
finished the games with the Betacam mount Araldited back in place!
Later back in UK, Canon declared it a write-off and I got a new one as an
insurance claim. The insurers let me buy the old one for a nominal sum and
I still use it on my rostrum camera.
Perry Mitchell
Video Facilities

Why stop at 2/3 inch? - "Perry"

Elliot posted:
>Is it so incredibly expensive to make a CCD or other imaging system
big enough to use still camera lenses?<
Simply put, yes! Even 2/3inch is actually only about 9mmx7mm whereas a full
frame 35mm is 30mmx24mm. This represents an area difference of nearly 12:1
but due to the way you can fit chips on the silicon dies (and yield) I
suspect the relative cost differences is hundreds or even thousands.
It is noticeable that nobody has yet made an economic solution for even
digital stills that can use 35mm lenses without losing angle of view. The
very biggest digital stills cameras use chips made up from a 'montage' of
smaller chips.
What is a far more practical goal is to ask for a single chip solution that
can use standard 16mm film lenses, which are available in vast profusion.
Here the image size is in the same ball park, and we just have to worry
about the performance of the single chip color matrix.
It is important to remember that film lenses are not normally equipped with
servos, so the iris must be manually set as well as zoom and focus.
Perry Mitchell
Video Facilities

(diese posts stammen von der DV-L Mailingliste - THX to Adam Wilt and Perry Mitchell :-)

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