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A DV(L)-FAQ [e]

DVL-Digest 707 - Postings:

DV for broadcast??
MotoDV and Windows 2000
Which 2/3 inch lens is best?

DV for broadcast?? - "Perry"

> I do encourage folks that if you have an archive need, it would be
> best to archive on MP tape, which of course leads one to DVCPRO, but
> you don't necessarily have to acquire there.
Before you all start panicking, you might want to remember that the
originator of this quote is well known to this list for blatant marketing
statements with little scientific basis of truth.
Using ANY form of video tape for long term archive storage is known to be a
risky solution. However many folk have reported several years storage of DV
tapes with no apparent losses and NOBODY has stored DVCPRO tapes long enough
to ensure they won't suffer from some as yet unknown lurgy. I remember some
early C format tapes were terrible at losing the magnetic coating (oxide
shedding) when stored for long periods.
Forgive me repeating the story for you old timers, but last year I dug out
my ski boots from about 5 years storage in a dark cupboard to go to an
artificial ski centre with my daughter. The skiing area was kept at a
couple of degrees below freezing. I skied for about an hour, and then as I
finished and made my way into the changing area, at almost precisely the
same moment, both boots 'exploded' into several pieces just after I released
the bindings! Apparently the plastic has somehow degenerated into a brittle
material that can no longer take the strain. A chat with the local ski shop
confirmed that it was by no means an isolated incident!
In my experience, almost everything degrades given enough time and you
simply have to assume the worst. There are numerous techniques used by
archivists to overcome possible problems, but in terms of video programmes
you are probably best off copying to a new tape (or possibly new media)
every couple of years. If you think this is too much trouble then you
probably don't really need the content enough anyway!
Perry Mitchell
Video Facilities

MotoDV and Windows 2000 - Perry Mitchell

Going back to Scott's original post, It is my impression that MotoDV doesn't
work with Windows2000 and is not likely to. Anybody wanna disagree?
EditDV works fine with Win2000 and has its own capture facility.

Which 2/3 inch lens is best? - "Perry"

I remember the Nikon 35mm to 2/3in adapter from around 10 years ago. I
tried it at a show on my Betacam with a friend's 16mm Nikkor ultra wide
angle. The other problem so far unmentioned is that it lost several stops in
the process.
Perry Mitchell
Video Facilities

(diese posts stammen von der DV-L Mailingliste - THX to Adam Wilt and Perry Mitchell :-)

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