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DVL-Digest 726 - Postings:

arctic temperatures
HD Investment vs. Profit (A battle plan for Panasonic)
tape to film to tape (was: Dead Pixel (sort of) & Time Code)
where to look at gear hands on
[OFF] Macworld Expo Hotels & transport

arctic temperatures - "Perry"

just in passing, I remember chatting to our Russian Sales rep a few years
ago and he told me some places in Siberia can go lower than -60deg Celsius
during the day! This is REAL temps, no allowance for wind chill. Apparently
below -55 they keep the kids indoors because at that temp your skin sticks
to metalwork so it can get very dangerous.
I've worked at -35deg in Scandinavia and with a bone dry atmosphere and no
wind, it isn't too bad at all. The worst cold I ever felt was on the Belgian
plains with a damp atmosphere and the wind howling in from the East.
Perry Mitchell
Video Facilities

HD Investment vs. Profit (A battle plan for Panasonic) - Adam Wilt

What a great thread! Thanks, Danny and Bill and others!
> Apple is a ... proven, tenacious survivor, with suitors willing to
> pay a premium.
> Apple has more brand loyalty than either Sony or Panasonic will ever
> hope to have....
We'll see how well this loyalty holds -- and how well Apple survives -- with
the transition to the Aqua UI on OS X. I am alternately enthused and appalled
by what I see. It's way, way, cool -- yet it throws so many human interface
guidelines out the window that it may wind up driving off as many of the Mac
faithful as it pulls in from the non-Mac community. At times, OS X is
downright user-abusive, a far cry from the human-centric philosophy that makes
the Mac the special sort of thing it is. Make no mistake: the OS X transition
is the biggest change in the Mac user experience ever. The 68k/PowerPC switch
was nothing by comparison.
Given the current hard times in the small computer market as a whole, and
Apple's inventory glut, this would be a difficult time to convince everyone to
drink Steve's Kool-Aid. I do hope that OS 9.x will be supported for quite some
time to come and will continue to be offered as an installed OS.
> Panasonic should link with Apple and Pinnacle and make us low cost 720P
> camcorders that work perfectly with that NLE HD system...
> That Pana camera bundled with a fast mac and cinewave card would
> bring the price of HD down to an almost reasonable level.
Don't discount this scenario! It won't hit that low price point you're looking
for anytime soon, but little birds tell me some interesting developments are
Adam Wilt

tape to film to tape (was: Dead Pixel (sort of) & Time Code) - Adam Wilt

Sure, technically it can, but it doesn't yield an acceptable result, and so
> isn't used in video releases of feature shot on dv and transferred to film.
> This is according to Jeremy Poynton, US rep for Swiss Effects,...
I wonder... I've heard of people going from tape to film, then back to tape,
specifically to imbue their productions with "film look", and being quite
happy with the result.
The resulting tape may suffer in terms of motion rendering and reproduction of
the tonal scale and noise/grain structure of the original -- but if the effect
you're looking for is stuttery 24fps motion rendering, film-style granularity,
and the addition of a bit of gate weave, tape to film to tape may be just the
thing. Technical accuracy is always subordinate to artistic intent; it's the
look you want that counts.
Remember as well that the various transfer houses are improving their
processes almost on a daily basis, so the "rules" in this game are constantly
I'm also becoming more and more puzzled with Swiss Effects and their
recommended procedures. For example, they specifically recommend against using
16:9 on the XL1 -- yet in tests I shot last weekend, the XL1 in 16:9 made a
far superior image compared to an XL1 in 4:3, scaled by 133.33% to fit into a
Final Cut Pro 16:9 sequence. The PD150, OTOH, does a comparatively poor job of
16:9 in-camera conversion; the scaling looks identical to that done in FCP,
and the PD150 adds excessive vertical enhancement as part of the process. Yet
SwissEffects *recommends* 16:9 in the VX2000/PD150, and with the default (too
high, very "video-like") sharpness setting to boot. Odd.
I'll need to do the same tests with Premiere and AfterEffects before I reach
any firm conclusions. But what I get out of the testing so far is that even
the experts may not necessarily have all the answers. So the best advice I can
offer at this point is former President Reagan's "trust, but verify!" :-)
Adam Wilt

where to look at gear hands on - Adam Wilt

I want to shop light kits and wireless mics specifically and I'm the type
> that wants to see, feel, touch before I buy. I'd like to make the best
> decision I can the first time.
Some kinda weirdo, huh? :-)
> I live in Williamsburg, VA and will travel if necessary. I'd prefer a
> Wash. DC location at most but I'll travel further if I gotta.
Ever since Brenner Cine/Sound on Wisconsin Avenue closed its doors, I've been
in mourning... but Pro Products, previously mentioned, is pretty good (and
they're the only folks I could find in a Google search that carry the Ikegami
DVCAM camcorders), and I've also had good luck with CTL in Silver Spring
If you're willing to range further afield, B&H in Manhattan is a superb place
to put hands on -- and not a bad place to order from, either. While you're
there, there are a half-dozen high-end rental/sales facilities between Union
Square and 51st street with good showrooms and helpful staff. Just grab a
Yellow Pages and look 'em up. When I lived in central NJ I'd go to NYC and
spend a day "getting educated" this way, often to the detriment of my wallet,
as I'd see a used fluid head on the cheap, or a good deal on a mic!
Adam Wilt

[OFF] Macworld Expo Hotels & transport - Adam Wilt

... All the necessary maps (BART stations, Motel 6 locations) are
> available on the web....
BART is at http://www.bart.org/.
Also consider staying down the SF peninsula and taking Caltrain (commuter
rail, double-decker railcars). It runs less frequently than BART but it's not
too bad. The MacWorld stop is 4th and King -- and in previous years there's
always been a MacWorld shuttle bus to run you up to Moscone center. Without
the bus, it's a 15-20 minute walk up 4th street (and it's usually a walk at
night after the DV Cafe, etc!). Schedules and fares at

Think of it: you can camp out in a cheesy motel amongst the titans of the
industry... Pinnacle, Sony, Canopus, and yes, Apple itself! Feel the power!
Soak in the atmosphere! See the former Ampex campus (pretty much only the sign
remains)! Tour the office park where Abekas and Next hung out in their glory
days! Ride the train to MacWorld, laughing at the dot-commers in their
overpriced BMWs sitting stuck in gridlock alongside the Chevys and Fords!
(Note: no refunds provided on the "power, atmosphere, and glory magical
mystery tour.")

Adam Wilt

(diese posts stammen von der DV-L Mailingliste - THX to Adam Wilt and Perry Mitchell :-)

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