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A DV(L)-FAQ [e]

DVL-Digest 747 - Postings:

CCD Size and Depth of Field
Everybody: Welcome Panasonic as a Lifetime Benefactor

CCD Size and Depth of Field - "Perry"

Danny Grizzle posted:
>This is where the optical block in video cameras complicate things. Aren't
super speeds wasted effort past a certain point?<
That's true. The colour splitter block has an aperture of around f1.6
limited by pure physics. This dictates the maximum aperture of the optical
path so a faster lens is wasted.
That is one of the reasons that a single chip camera has always interested
me - no splitter block so you could use as fast a lens as you like!
Perry Mitchell
Video Facilities

Everybody: Welcome Panasonic as a Lifetime Benefactor - "Perry"

Most folks here know that I have a running battle with Marketing BS, and
that occasionally I find myself fencing with Jan Crittenden. She sometimes
objects to my Anglo-Saxon directness but fights a good fight and off the
list has been very helpful to me.
I just want to go on record to say that Panasonic are very brave to stick
their neck out, or at least to allow Jan to stick her neck out, and I cannot
imagine but this will improve their standing with this community. JVC have
regularly had contacts on the List and it is thus to their utter shame that
we get a big fat 0 of communication from the big S. So, about that
ridiculous 800 lines of res . . . .
Perry Mitchell
Video Facilities

(diese posts stammen von der DV-L Mailingliste - THX to Adam Wilt and Perry Mitchell :-)

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