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DVL-Digest 775 - Postings:

Image quality between Sony VX2000 and VX9000.

Image quality between Sony VX2000 and VX9000. - "Perry"

Fogar posted:
>does anyone know the difference of image quality between
Sony VX2000 and VX9000 cameras when there is little light
and with strong light?<
A VX9000 is just a VX1000 with a big tape deck and a shoulder brace. In
low light there is no comparison, the VX2000 is much superior as the
VX1000 loses color and is noisy. In good light the two are very similar,
the VX2000 has very little anti-aliasing optics so appears somewhat
crisper but is naturally vulnerable to aliasing. In very strong light
(e.g. looking at sun) the VX2000 has superior smear characteristics.
The old camera can still turn a good shot, but in most circumstances the
VX2000 is a much better camera.
Perry Mitchell
Video Consultant

(diese posts stammen von der DV-L Mailingliste - THX to Adam Wilt and Perry Mitchell :-)

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