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DVL-Digest 851 - Postings:

FCP expansion plan
JVC -DV500 as VTR - enabling DV-input
Skin tone detail on DSR-300
stuck eject button on Sony VX1000

FCP expansion plan - "Perry"

I was interested in the discussion on the Avid DV Express. I'm advising
somebody on purchasing an expandable NLE system, the only given is that it
must be FCP so we are talking about the Mac. He wants to eventually be able
to interface with broadcast decks via RS-422 and SDI, and obviously will
then need HD resources to suit, but immediate limited resources will be met
with a DV capability. Real-time is not a particular requirement.
1)What options are there for a card to give immediate component analog
interfacing with an SDI video capability later?
2)Does FCP2 have built in RS422 control? (obviously a serial port adapter
would be needed)
3)What digital audio options are available for the Mac? (S/PDIF and AES/EBU)
4)What options are realistically available for portable media storage?
(particularly to Avid)
thanks for any experience here
Perry Mitchell
Video Consultant

JVC -DV500 as VTR - enabling DV-input - "Perry"

As I understand it, it is technically possible to enable the input (but I
don't know the procedure). You should understand that the EU customs
authorities have made it known that inputs that are easy to re-enable will
not be deemed disabled in the first place, and manufacturers will be liable
for back taxes!
You will need to find a friendly JVC serviceman and do this off the record!
(excuse pun!)
Perry Mitchell
Video Consultant

Skin tone detail on DSR-300 - "Perry"

One good trick with the shutter is to set it to its shortest period and then
look directly at a fluorescent lamp - quite amazing, very pretty, and quite
educational as well!
Perry Mitchell
Video Consultant

stuck eject button on Sony VX1000 - Adam Wilt

Hello list, Can anyone give me advice on the eject button of my VX1000?
> It has got stuck at a slight angle (the top is angled slightly back) and
> won't budge. I don't want to force it as it looks like fragile plastic.
Mine got whacked somehow on location last year; the inner release button was
pushed in and the top of the slider was pulled out, making it almost
impossible to operate.
I detached the side of the camera (two screws on bottom, two on top -- one
beneath the finder -- and possibly two inside the rear door, I don't recall.
Look for the little arrows molded into the casework), carefully separated it
watching out for the ribbon connector between the side and the main body, and
was able to explore the mechanism with fingers and screwdriver. With a bit of
jiggling I was able to realign the parts and snap them together in their
correct configuration, good as new. It took me about 15 minutes, start to
Caution: fragile ribbon connectors (printed wiring assemblies) and
static-sensitive electronic components within. Do not perform this surgery
unless you feel confident doing so. I do not warrant that this procedure will
fix your problem, and you do it at your own risk.
Adam Wilt

(diese posts stammen von der DV-L Mailingliste - THX to Adam Wilt and Perry Mitchell :-)

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