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DVL-Digest 871 - Postings:

DVC Pro Pal and FCP INFO copy
DVCAM vs miniDV
I need a device but I can not find it. Please, help!
Targa Video Codec
Video compositing-lite program for Mac

DVC Pro Pal and FCP INFO copy - "Perry"

As I understand it there is currently no support for the DVCPRO PAL codec on
the Mac. Matrox support it on their RT2000 and RT2500 boards but not on the
RTMac equivalent. Other PC solutions include Fast Purple, and Canopus DVCPRO
Raptor. You can of course use SDI or even analogue components, but then you
need a faster disk system to record what amounts to full 4:2:2 video. You
are correct that a suitable QT codec from Apple would solve the problem but
the very small potential numbers of users makes this unlikely.
The serial interface for RS-422 is no problem since you can also do this
with a USB converter.
Perry Mitchell
Video Consultant

DVCAM vs miniDV - "Perry"

John Jackman posted:
>And multiple heads in these decks are not uncommon now. The DSR2000 has --
sheesh, I forget, but it's basically a separate head for every read/record
mode. Perry, do you remember?<
I believe it is 14 heads! (7 pairs) The point being that although azimuth
works to a degree, for the very best results you need to have a head pair of
the correct width. For non-standard play speed (e.g. slo-mo) it is
advantageous to have more than one head reading at once. The DSR-2000 is
extreme because it also does pre-read editing, where the drum reads and
writes to the same track.
Perry Mitchell
Video Consultant

I need a device but I can not find it. Please, help! - "Perry"

Alexander Serov posted:
>I need three converters to convert:
1. Composite video to component video.
2. Component video to composite video.
3. S-Video video to component video.
Can someone give me advice where I can find its? Thanks in advance!<
Assuming you are PAL, you basically need a PAL encoder/decoder with the
appropriate interfaces and connectors. You should be aware that digging high
quality component video from a PAL composite video source is a difficult job
and a decoder will be expensive if you want good results. The best ones use
an 8 field store. If you are using NTSC it is rather easier, but you need to
look for a digital comb filter on the decoder.
I just did a quick Internet search for 'PAL decoder' and there were dozens
of hits on different products.
Perry Mitchell
Video Consultant

Targa Video Codec - "Perry"

Em posted:
>Does anyone know if it's possible to veiw Targa
video with out Hardware?<
Assuming they are wrapped in QuickTime and you have a Mac, you just need the
Targa MJPEG codec which is available from the web site. It'll now be buried
somewhere in the Pinnacle site, if you have any trouble send me a private
e-mail and I'll dig a copy out for you.
Perry Mitchell
Video Consultant

Video compositing-lite program for Mac - "Perry"

<< Does anyone know of a Mac program that allows one to draw on top of a
video image so that the strokes of the drawing animate? I know Commotion
does it, but that seems like overkill. It's something that will be used by
in our Physical Education department. >>
Digital Origin RotoDV did this, but I'm not sure it is still sold since
Media100 bought them. It was being given away with EditDV quite recently so
a user of that application may have a spare copy.
Perry Mitchell
Video Consultant

(diese posts stammen von der DV-L Mailingliste - THX to Adam Wilt and Perry Mitchell :-)

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