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A DV(L)-FAQ [e]

DVL-Digest 925 - Postings:

charging batteries in Ireland
Stop Motion on PD150

charging batteries in Ireland - "Perry"

From: D. Webster
I'll back up Perry on this one. I worked with a fellow in the Republic of
Ireland a few years ago, and he had lugged a 50+ lb, , power
conditioning transformer from the job site back to his hotel room so that he
could use his razor. He hadn't noticed the power point on the side of the
mirror with the slotted circles! Worked just fine when he tried it and no
adapter was needed.

Stop Motion on PD150 - "Perry"

From: Jason Clark
Hi, i own a Sony PD150 and I'm looking to use some stop motion sequences in
my next film. Is there any feature on the PD150 that allows for this, or is
there anyway you can manipulate the camera to do it? Thank you.

(diese posts stammen von der DV-L Mailingliste - THX to Adam Wilt and Perry Mitchell :-)

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