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A review local "dealer"

Frage von moojoo:
Juli 2006


After I am now a total of two years (there was much flirting synonymous "" * while employed * g) with the purchase of a camcorder have, I wanted to briefly out my experiences with the local dealers to describe the area.

There was, for example, the radio and television shop where I bought my television synonymous. Who has given me when I asked for a camcorder a few - then still rather paltry - Panasonic models called (he) had only a single display model, and subsequently given to the nakedness that it is not synonymous knows what really matters in the cams. He also complained the whole time, so that all clients seek advice from him only to then order elsewhere in the network. Well, he certainly does not motivate me to buy from him.

The nearest dealer, a fairly good camera store, has advised me the first time very well. And although the former Favoritencam nearly 100, - Euro more expensive than the net I would have bought it almost there. However, I have the purchase erstmal moved. Recently, I was back there, but unfortunately the people of that time was no longer there. And the new me with its incompetence simply made just angry. Which it was totally no preference which model, which generally build the Manufacturer and indeed all good cams. This he told me this a current Panasonic Prospect of 2005 (!) Into the hands down ... that's it.

The last photo shop (actually a well-known chain) has not shot the bird. Zero advice, but only 15 catalog pages with the current models of different Manufacturer. No idea about the difference between the various CCD systems, and even less of the recording media, to say nothing of the further processing on the PC. Phew ...

On my search I have been synonymous the major electronics markets a chance. At least you can live there, many models look. That is probably still the biggest advantage. But here was synonymous advising a similar factor of 0 (zero) as in the small dealers.

I just wonder: if the dealer complaining about the strong competition from the Internet, why do they do anything about it? I know many people - myself included, who would for good advice synonymous spend time a few dollars more. But then ...

These and similar experiences, I made way too hauf. Even when buying a car, I knew beforehand from the Internet about the car than the seller (or the account manager, who handed me the car in Wolfsburg, Germany). Real bad sowas ...


Antwort von Jan:

Yes this is such a problem with the advice, yes you can fall for everywhere.
Yes, I know my colleagues (Saturn and Media Markt) but synonymous shop employee, I've learned synonymous 1993 at a store.

In the shop employees, I noticed they are usually a little older, have some great skills with Super 8 / Hi8 still partially MiniDV, but on DVD / SD / HDV, many a little perplexed.

Yes, I've defended my chain so many times before, but yesterday has again shot down a colleague of another Munich Saturn, the bird, he claimed, to my customers "with the DVD camcorder, you can edit the great film", he did not say (you know? ) that the original program at the VDR 250 / 300 Ram's accepts only DVD and the DVD-R / - RW and affordable to the well-known at the moment really only 2 Programs 50-100 ¬ (Pinnacle studio 10 pros / Magix 2006/2007) And there are only just appeared, with many older programs have problems with the AC3 sound, or like me with a partially dubbed film.

Nagut medians do I have to say one or the other already knows more than he admits s.Anfang, Media Markt is the number 1 stop shop of Internet customers, which means long intensive counseling and then save the IT purchase 50-100 ¬ is already fact stupid is just like in my last, I had a customer actually 1 3 / 4 h 800 ¬ piloted by the class, 2 weeks later he came with the action (not bought from me - although I had vorätig) and wanted Battery / Bags counseling.

Many a seller does so usually a rather brief advice, and is the better, a real purchase on the model.

How much do I draw Prices have seen the last few weeks, Saturn Munich was 20% on all Panasonic Sonyand - da gabs about the 8x revenue and really everyone was interested in has consulted on, went out with camera.

Again the question itself as the No. 1 advice to my City Munich "Stillimage video Sauter is praised not always, there is reason number 1 seller in each area for 1-2 (of 20-30) located in the area of what we know wants to know - that means you have to wait, and then usually in a top general, have knowledge, but will be addressed as soon as the new / current technology (Eg DVD camcorder) and gone deeper, there are sometimes synonymous its loopholes.

What city are interested you?


Antwort von Stefan:

Today many customers in any depth information about the product range.

The customer can download technical data and manuals from the Manufacturer. He can swallow Schmocks booklets and test reports. He may ask user forums and look for experiences. He can call miser and look for the cheapest price.

Then he finally stands after all the times before synonymous with the seller.

What should the seller for more dazutun? I would not wait for the variety of products, get again to all of the above information.

This can only afford a store that sells only 2-3 handausgesuchte models. Power, but hardly synonymous None, because the client is missing then the offer / choice.

Or the other way, that's what make the internet stores ... a range of prestigious XYZs order and with just enough profit margin verhöckern over the network.

I would be important in the store, whether there have been at herausgekuckten Model returns or what the customers thought after a few weeks use. Whether there are bundles, with whom I can cover my needs. Whether it is for any eventuality during a repair a replacement unit. Whether he has a workshop. Whether I, as a final purchase, the camera views can possibly get to the view. Whether it is something I generally s.der existence of this store, because I might then buy other products more frequently.

And last but not least, I would like the person in the eye, to whom I express my accumulated Euronen in hand.

Good luck
The thick Stefan

Antwort von Nightfly!:

"Stefan" wrote:
And last but not least, I would like the person in the eye, to whom I express my accumulated Euronen in hand.

But that was then the nice lady s.der fund, right?

I have to agree JAN, it is usually available in every department someone who knows. In the S. for me at least this is so. If in doubt, because you can really clarify things well in direct conversation again.


Antwort von Stefan:

"But that was then the nice lady s.der fund, right?"

Unfortunately, my dealer can no longer afford. The fund itself stands s.der ;-(

Good luck
The thick Stefan

Antwort von Axel:

On my street, the incumbent principal Stillimage cooking today () is primarily an Internet mail order company. Counseling is committed and friendly. I know all with names, and if I s.späten morning (coming recession), I can try and experiment as much as I want. I always synonymous drag at times other than customers.

But: If I have an advice on television and DVD-needed technology, I go to the big Saturn. Virtually no in-house training through information sheets or short seminars may be that most sellers already know everything and even if they are not sure, admit this and inform yourself first. As has been done in recent years.

When I know what I want, I go - stinginess is cool! - Back to back Stillimage cooking, where the same items are much cheaper.

Antwort von moojoo:


the contribution of Stefan, I would say nochwas: however, many people can pull out all the info on the net and I do it as synonymous. I am going synonymous not unprepared to shop. But if I say there must be that the vendors are not even in the least familiar with the matter, it's already my skin out the bird.

An example: in a shop, the young man called to me as the only selection criterion for a camcorder, the level of zoom. Everything else is "with most manufacturers in this price anyhow." That's bad right?

I do not expect that people familiar to the smallest detail with each cam (they should at least know where to get detailed information here). But a basic advice à la "which cam is right for me" should even the "laziest" seller can do.

I must say, I'm from the Kulmbach region. Comparison of Munich and Nuremberg, of course, is the more rural region. Nevertheless, the requirements s.einen local dealer are the same ...


Antwort von Axel:

"moojoo" wrote:
An example: in a shop, the young man called to me as the only selection criterion for a camcorder, the level of zoom. Everything else is "with most manufacturers in this price anyhow." That's bad right?

Progressively over a year ago at Saturn in search of a good-enabled DVD player for the company. The seller (briskly) Düsseldorf Slang: to tell Jo, sollich wat? Aw, Progressief scan is schon jut remote control with `ne.

Same store, a year later. New player for myself is due. Seller (friendly, quiet): What Television do you have? What are the inputs? Do you have a surround receiver or something? We can even connect a few times, so you can see the difference yourself.

If one day doctors are trained so well, we are all voluntary private patients. Today's diagnoses and therapies have to acts adopted frightening parallels to Zoom and remote control.

Antwort von Schleichmichel:

If I were a salesman at Saturn, I would have to send home all those interested: D

I thought synonymous to a great experience at grave that I would rather do this in person with vendors to synonymous wenns mal costs little a more.

There I set up times with the question of whether my Apple FinalCut Studio bundle which students get from the Apple-price goals for me (student) could.
First of the Lord knew this package does not (not next bad), but he would check and call then.

1 weeks later the phone rang and he told me with that he offered at another provider the bundle for 500 ¬ more than the price in question could, of course, what I had to refuse. What I then had to sluschen, oh my droogies were quite horror look invective of this Veck stari!

Since then, I make a certain statement by grave Munster.

I like more the shops, which are not really. Where to be an obligation consultation erstmal get a really good coffee, and then in a Vorführstudio sharpness with test patterns, color charts, lights and all, Zipp Zapp And can you test a newly published model with no obligation. Also purchased when there has never been anything bigger, but only rented.

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