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Crew nimmts nicht ernst!!! BIN AM VERZWEIFELN!!!!

Crew does not take seriously! 'M ON despair!

Frage von JoeFX:
November 2006

Hello first!

I have recently started a short film (should ca.30min long) to rotate. Ne parody too small matrix. That is why I and my friends zusammengetrommelt have already begun to turn.

After the fifth shooting wants None more so the movie really seriously and make it a fun fact. A bit of material I have already but there are only 2 minutes of film. Moreover, the problem I have only two or three times a week to film them. I even once heard of one of my friends (actor) had to learn the extent of the rotation: "Yeah, today is not rotated." When he saw me and noticed that I had listened to him, he wanted to drumherumreden. I'm almost of despair s.Rande been and still am. I will be Regieseur not taken seriously. And constantly, the crew members of other friends with the shooting still tough to make (for me)

The problem: I have already everything to the smallest detail. A shooting schedule is available. How could I have seen the seriousness of my crew back to life?

Perhaps someone has already had a similar Ehrfahrung or could me a few suggestions and tips. I just do not know more next: (

I would also like that my first film in more than 10 minutes is not equal to it in the pants!

Requests for a quick response and thanks in advance!


PS: On Monday will be rotated again. So please really quick answer ...

Antwort von Axel:

Simple psychology. They initially agreed. Why? Quite obviously you sake. Now they are no longer your work seriously, perhaps you do with everything in between, has a feeling stressed.
If it is not money, is "Catering" the least thing you have to offer them. And a pleasant atmosphere. Since the atmosphere to create major talent to be a director, I would have my head through the leave.
And "Dailies." Prepare a day or a small presentation of filmed settings which you then for motivation in front of the new rotary vorführst.
Would you even charge your time to provide for a no preference as ambitious "Spinner" if the are not in the cards look to be carried out? The Prima Donna is one of the opera, the secret agent in the sports car.
I am not saying that it is easy, but the topic "Dealing with people is essential. If the lug Leutchen her friends need to be fixed precisely synonymous.

"JoeFX" wrote:
PS: On Monday will be rotated again. So please really quick answer ...

Enough time, an edited version of the already filmed material to prepare.

Antwort von joerg:

Hello JoeFX,
then you should up your friends in the run-up to look better, it's the many who are thrilled to Rotate a movie when it s.die work of the film, is at once the "zero-buck mentality" out , then it says do not want more, make your Sch ... alone.
Then start again s.zu new Rotate, it would be nice, you would write me where you come, then I could with it.

Antwort von PowerMac:

What do you hear? The tip, how your personality to authority and respect "pimp" can? You obviously do not take seriously. That you can not simply "change". That has probably built up slowly and now it no longer works. Your friends have just started your sake and not for the project and the idea of co sake. Poor start. And she has not synonymous Project s.Bedeutung increased. Or you have too much they leave. Unfortunately this is in the nature of a director (without the "e") that authority, enthusiasm and motivation sprayed. How about with a serious word: Group meeting. Tell them how you feel. How does it affect you, that zeal, lack of respect or seriousness. Erklär 'sobbing them how much you mean the Project. Or take a man to Page, of the "Organizational" managed.
A recording head, a friend of order and discipline provides. Then you can log on actor and artistic director concentrate, without the team still need to constantly monitor. Control is synonymous a good idea: an atmosphere of intrigue and the constant observation and retaliation create live and work your devoted subjects in constant fear and you fear the Erwischtwerden.

Antwort von steveb:


Antwort von Schleichmichel:

"JoeFX" wrote:
And constantly, the crew members of other friends with the shooting still tough to make (for me)

That would have you immediately stop them. Disturb bystanders ... synonymous when breastfeeding in the corner.

Close the Project. It makes no sense to work with people who do not want to have and then lie still synonymous. Make a new Project with the "hard core", and seeks out motivated people.

It is not synonymous to me, WHAT does it ... but a matrix-parody is so original, like a Star Wars-like persiflage ... have some synonymous of HerrDerRinge (why not even because of "Dogville" ... the Scenography but offers potential for humor without end ... or something else). Perhaps it is a bit s.dem substantive value of production, that the motivation declines. It is difficult for people to convince Project. If the Project then synonymous nor "Banana", it is almost impossible, but to awaken enthusiasm and above all-to-hold.

Antwort von JoeFX:

Thanks for your answers!

I probiers times with the proposal of Axel.

If that does not work I start with someone else s.zu rotate. I try the same s.Montag the crew to declare that they do not bring friends.


Antwort von AndyZZ:

"JoeFX" wrote:

I try the same s.Montag the crew to declare that they do not bring friends.


Do not try to explain .... "
Tell them quite clearly and that you have no one to want to (and from the grounds) and will not tolerate synonymous. Who does not turn keeps the same goes with his friends. Must be something nice but certainly "packaged".

Antwort von PowerMac:

Be men and do not wimp.

Antwort von Dr.Freud:

axel's contribution, it is true. you run the matter, you haelen in the hands and there are your deficits, which create a crisis here. clear guidelines to facilitate the cooperation. professionals need to correct these guidelines no longer say, as they by their long experience and know their value.

I'm a big fan of the pronounced word. means that your drum up people together and sinking into a clear and clearly the problem is in your hear and see what they have to say.
why? bends under stress fast times, the perceived reality. then it looks like as if "the more I do not take seriously" - but in truth this is only your interpretation of the situation. also earn you a lot more respectful (back), if you talk openly. not everyone can. should be a dialogue is no longer possible, the arbeitsatmo already died and you can cancel everything.

Once again, the biggest challenge for you, because you take yourself back, and motivate others and lead the project to the need to bring.

was hard to yourself and lenient with others.

Antwort von prem:

"JoeFX" wrote:

After the fifth shooting wants None more so the movie really seriously and make it a fun fact. A bit of material I have already but there are only 2 minutes of film.

The ratio should be reversed. On two days should be at least 5 minutes off his. So yes you need 75 days for 30 min. At the time of turn two times the other synonymous feature films.

I would cancel the project and yet the beginning of times.

Antwort von prem:

"real movies" do you not synonymous with his friends, but with film enthusiasts, filmmakers or other people who show interest in film, then something happens so do not!

Antwort von r.p. television:

Kenn the problem from my Amateuertagen.
Wanted at that time with (too many) friends a cheap zombie film. From the initial enthusiasm has been more and more bored Herumhocken. Everyone expressed themselves before the shooting.
So after many months of failed filming.
Hab dann mal after many years s.profesionellen editing system and a good knowledge heutligem scene together and with effects. As many would like to once again begun ....
But the scenes & & Masks cars were no longer there and the people were 10 years older.

And with the Tip Daylies:

Do not dear! Nothing is for laymen as sobering as unprocessed raw material. Presented together rather take a cut of a scene to view a preview of the final product to show. This is more motivating.
Streiche unimportant roles in your script or emphasize the roles, their characters according to your opinion, the film does not move forward.
Or fill it anew! Or leave them to die sooner if you've already too much off ....
You have no budget, so these are the only possibilities ....

Antwort von Don:

One from my own experience is a good method in addition to the necessary authority and motivation synonymous art called "Scottyprinzip":

If you have the time of filming and did exactly as planned 5 hours filming are planned, then tell the people it takes 8 hours. Then look where it all takes only 4 ;-). And provide good catering s.Set (Schnittchen, coffee, juice), which keeps up the motivation synonymous.

Most importantly, however, is next up as already described the correct choice of the crew. You should have all of the Project or L ittle more than consider her baby. Hold them motivated with the prospect of fame and honor, because what if the Project will be able to zBsWettbewerbe or go to festivals.

But believe me, that is synonymous in the professional field like that. When I once a week while filming in the studio of a major channel bin, then the people there fairly often synonymous undisciplined ... Since then only helps upheld.



Antwort von steveb:

At least now (21 days after the beginning of thread) should be the thing regulated. If Joe is still not with the "pure thing in his", he hardly can be helped ...

Antwort von Nicht eingeloggt:

"steveb" wrote:
At least now (21 days after the beginning of thread) should be the thing regulated. If Joe is still not with the "pure thing in his", he hardly can be helped ...

We would like to take part, but there was indeed no feedback anymore.

Antwort von Markus:

"rp television" wrote:
Wanted at that time with (too many) friends a cheap zombie film. [...] But the scenes & & Masks cars were no longer there and the people were 10 years older.

Is spiteful, but I would like to get rid Ulk: Wait a few (!) Years, you need the actor perhaps no more masks. ;-)

"Don" wrote:
Most importantly, however, is next up as already described the correct choice of the crew.

... and a good portion of social competence. If one team members regarded as a model (which of course you have to be synonymous with the case) and one to emulate, then stays up and the mood of the rotation is fast and almost professionally done. :-)

And yet all have their fun, at least when the model synonymous has a pleasant sense of humor!

Antwort von JoeFX:

Apologies that I am not as fast antwortren could!

I hate a lot around the ears and little time for this thread.

Well my friends, I have explained what it is about them and once the only arena. They were enthusiastic about what I've done dareus!

Since then we have a bunch. Besides that we did not spend so much time had to turn (five-hour rotation since my etzten entry), we have already had some hingkriegt.

A full ten minutes of film we have already. None of them takes longer with friends and all are fully in the matter, as far as I am very pleased.

With a huge THANK YOU s.alle the thread, I can probably conclude calmed.


Antwort von Markus:

Thank you for your feedback. - Maybe yes, we see something of your film? -am * curious *

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