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virtual dub crash bei audiocompression

virtual dub crash at audiocompression

Frage von Wildlifer:
Oktober 2006

Who can tell me why my virtual dub with every avi-stream, I passed the open, when I click on "audio> full processing mode" and then "audio> compression" do? it is always a message to me personally garnix says;) when I go to advanced, can ichs then at least save as txt>>>

VirtualDub crash report - build 22945 (release)

019010e0: 890,424 mov [esp], eax
019010e3: e898d30100 call 0191e480
019010e8: 83c408 add esp, 08h
019010eb: 33C0 xor eax, eax
019010ed: 89430c mov [ebx +0 ch], eax
019010f0: 894,308 mov [ebx +08 h], eax
019010f3: 894,304 mov [ebx +04 h], eax
019010f6: c745fc04000000 mov dword ptr [ebp-04h], 00000004
019010fd: 8b5ddc mov ebx, [ebp-24h]
01901100: 81c386000000 add ebx, 00000086
01901106: 8b4304 mov eax, [ebx +04 h]
01901109: 85c0 test eax, eax
0190110b: 741B jz 01901128
0190110d: 0fb650ff movzx edx, byte ptr [eax-01h]
01901111: 85d2 test edx, edx
01901113: 0190123f jnz 0f8526010000
01901119: 83c4f8 add esp, 0f8h
0190111c: 48 dec eax
0190111d: 890,424 mov [esp], eax
01901120: 0191e480 call e85bd30100
01901125: 83c408 add esp, 08h
01901128: 33C0 xor eax, eax
0190112a: 89430c mov [ebx +0 ch], eax
0190112d: 894,308 mov [ebx +08 h], eax
01901130: 894,304 mov [ebx +04 h], eax
01901133: c745fc03000000 mov dword ptr [ebp-04h], 00000003
0190113a: 8b45dc mov eax, [ebp-24h]
0190113d: 83c044 add eax, 44h
01901140: 8945e4 mov [ebp-1ch], eax
01901143: c745fc07000000 mov dword ptr [ebp-04h], 00000007
0190114a: c745fc08000000 mov dword ptr [ebp-04h], 00000008
01901151: 8b45e4 mov eax, [ebp-1ch]
01901154: c70080619d01 mov dword ptr [eax], 019d6180
0190115a: c745fc07000000 mov dword ptr [ebp-04h], 00000007
01901161: 8b5de4 mov ebx, [ebp-1ch]
01901164: 83c332 add ebx, 32h
01901167: 8b4304 mov eax, [ebx +04 h]
0190116a: 85c0 test eax, eax
0190116c: 741B jz 01901189
0190116e: 0fb650ff movzx edx, byte ptr [eax-01h] <- FAULT
01901172: 85d2 test edx, edx
01901174: 01901229 jnz 0f85af000000
0190117a: 83c4f8 add esp, 0f8h
0190117d: 48 dec eax
0190117e: 890,424 mov [esp], eax
01901181: 0191e480 call e8fad20100
01901186: 83c408 add esp, 08h
01901189: 33C0 xor eax, eax
0190118b: 89430c mov [ebx +0 ch], eax
0190118e: 894,308 mov [ebx +08 h], eax
01901191: 894,304 mov [ebx +04 h], eax
01901194: c745fc03000000 mov dword ptr [ebp-04h], 00000003
0190119b: 8b4de4 mov ecx, [ebp-1ch]
0190119e: e86d590400 call 01946b10
019011a3: c745fc00000000 mov dword ptr [ebp-04h], 00000000
019011aa: 8b45dc mov eax, [ebp-24h]
019011ad: c7400460619d01 mov dword ptr [eax +04 h], 019d6160
019011b4: c745fcffffffff mov dword ptr [ebp-04h], ffffffff
019011bb: 8b45d4 mov eax, [ebp-2ch]
019011be: c7400c60619d01 mov dword ptr [eax +0 ch], 019d6160
019011c5: 8b4df4 mov ecx, [ebp-0ch]
019011c8: 64890d00000000 mov fs: ecx [00000000]
019011cf: 8b1c24 mov ebx, [esp]
019011d2: 8b742404 mov esi, [esp +04 h]
019011d6: 8b7c2408 mov edi, [esp +08 h]
019011da: 8BE5 mov esp, ebp
019011dc: 5d pop ebp
019011dd: c3 ret
019011de: 8b db 8BH
019011df: 4d dec ebp

Windows 5.1 (Windows XP build 2600) [service pack 2]

EAX = 81110000
EBX = 0015a04e
ECX = 7c80996d
EDX = 00000000
EBP = 0012f394
DS: ESI = 0023:0000000 c
ES: EDI = 0023:0191 e520
SS: ESP = 0023:0012 f350
CS: EIP = 001b: 0190116e
FS = 003b
GS = 0000
EFLAGS = 00010286
FPUCW = ffff027f
FPUTW = ffffffff

MM0 = 0000000000000000
MM1 = 0000000000000f54
MM2 = 0000000000000056
MM3 = 0000000000000015
MM4 = 006a006b006c00

Antwort von Stefan:

Crash context:
An out-of-bounds memory access (access violation) occurred in module 'lameACM' ...

... while enumerating formats for audio codec "LAME MP3 Codec v0.9.0 - 3.93 (stable) (acompchoose.cpp: 188) ...

There it is ;-)

VirtualDub trying to figure out what audio codecs are present on the system. This' enumeration 'is the codec "LAME MP3 Codec v0.9.0 - 3.93 (stable)', although obliquely, and in the module 'lameACM'.

This problem had been others before you

Official support of VirtualDub you will not get because of the Lame codec in true community with a so-called VD unwanted subject.

There is about the legality of this codec to use, without which one has acquired a license for the development, distribution or use of the codec of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft.

People have tried the following solutions:

1 / Search for "lameACM.acm" (probably stands in the system32 directory) and rename to something so that it will no longer be found for example in "OLDlameACM.acm.

2 / A newer version of search. The 0.9.0 - 3.93 (stable) is itself often even Micro $ known as a notorious Crashers. lame-3.97 (beta 1) is also lazy. lame-3.96.1 may go.

Solution 1 fits the philosophy of VD.

Good luck
The thick Stefan

Antwort von bigtitsmember:

Thank you, solution 1 helped;)

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