Frage von ChrisHH:
some time ago I asked here in the forum, as some of these look at - mostly - to comedy shows.
Very soft and gentle, (faded) movements, as opposed to "hard" look normal DV footage. (I do not mean the color correction or the like, not synonymous Pro-Mist filter, etc.)
The fact that this look only at the post-production is, I was already at "man Markus' attention since the Outtakes to the normal DV look had the consignment s.sich but the movie look.
Now I have spoken with a friend, when large public service work in the north, he said, during the post-production "fields away" to me but he could not say exactly because it only editor who is not a cutter.
Has someone more information about and / or can anyone understand what I mean?
Antwort von Schleichmichel:

He was right. A Field contributes a lot to remove to the fact that the movements which come closer, like film motion is reproduced. But the issue has really come a long beard! Please consult Forums Search!
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

Na so long now the beard is not synonymous. The tool you need is called De-Interlace, and is available in the After Effects, Premiere, Final Cut Pro, in fact pretty much everywhere. Also there is a Virtualdub.
The important thing is to adaptively deinterlace and not simply zusammenzumatschen. So just keep looking for an adaptive deinterlacer for your software and good.
But nevertheless added, is Farbdiffusion and bleach bypass simulation. All this in conjunction with a deinterlacer is exactly what you want to achieve. But look, the movie does not.
Antwort von alexanderdergrosse:
Antwort von Schleichmichel:

Hello Mr. Ballhaus,
I do not know how long you been here before in the forum were unregistered, but the oldest, with the forums search attainable entry on this subject is on the 20th Dated June 2001. The answer refers to an old, no longer available "Film Look" tutorial of Slashcam what times in the last few years every now and again been updated. I remember, however, that the issue of de-interlacing there was synonymous touched.
So, if any issue here a long beard, then this! Only recently, I have somewhere just over that someone has noted that the term "film look" (or "movie look") will always vague ... This is but he has always been, and it was here in the last few years, some threads are flooded, if the word is now a (I believe at least), or not.
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

Merits are good Camera (24p), good resolution (1080x1920), good lighting and good editing software here. Only if this is true, only then can I realize a film look (in Postpro). 24p is rubbish, as well as HD Resolutionund good editing software. What a nonsense. Nor Magic Bullet Looks. A deinterlacer + Natress Film Effects (because Bleach Bypass) for 69 EUR + Farbkorrekturtools do so synonymous.
You need DOF, good lighting and grading. And above all, the idea of matter.
Hello Mr. Ballhaus,
I do not know how long you been here before in the forum were unregistered, but the oldest, with the forums search attainable entry on this subject is on the 20th Dated June 2001. The answer refers to an old, no longer available "Film Look" tutorial of Slashcam what times in the last few years every now and again been updated. I remember, however, that the issue of de-interlacing there was synonymous touched.
So, if any issue here a long beard, then this! Only recently, I have somewhere just over that someone has noted that the term "film look" (or "movie look") will always vague ... This is but he has always been, and it was here in the last few years, some threads are flooded, if the word is now a (I believe at least), or not. I was not at this forum, and sorry, I did "beard" with "rat tail" confused.
The people of the difference of the German-American film does not recognize, will always say that it looks something like film does not exist and is allegedly washy. The opposite is the case, cameras like RED, 35x adapter and synonymous 5DMKII show always clear on what this is has. Fettes DOF is a basic prerequisite. In addition, such discussions can be found in U.S. forums do not, or at least not to the extent as in Germany. And, I think that most German camera men make terrible witnesses. So I have such extreme opinions no preference.
Antwort von Schleichmichel:

I recognize a difference between American and local productions. Think about, I even see differences between two American productions. Even if the same team works in a row. Even during the course of a series of improvements can I appeal, if necessary Verschlimmbesserungen as synonymous.
But I'm not so bold and cabinets a look at so superficial parameters, such as "low" DoF etc. - and the long term simultaneously on an entire industry. I see a "look" somewhat limited to a single production and look synonymous, that is with the use of cameras, lenses, decorations, etc. is not done, the look back on some things ... Also, I have enough respect for the camera work of German women and white men and synonymous to the restrictions, which they partly compensate for current productions have. Moreover, there were always German films, in which production has not attempted, the film is a derivative American face to be missed, but in the team and the times at all the logic of history followed, and it always resulted in a very eingenständiger look that only one had a bad plan. It is simply too abstract. Therefore, any discussion of a concept, like "film look" simply absurd.
Less absurd is the question of how to "look" of what I know, "Eyes Wide Shut" describes. As you can analyze scenes and come to conclusions. And you can use these elements to one's own picture language. To replicate this look, and whether the Project for its own makes sense, is another story.
Antwort von Axel:
IWeniger absurd is how the "look" of what I know, "Eyes Wide Shut" describes. ... and then lands are mainly in the way the light there was. My eyes were closed synonymous far before I have a set of uncontroversial you read in which you suggested.
So then:
A Picture of Eyes Wide Shut with light feel. Everything is allowed, synonymous Color correction. Only the hard in'n garden come!
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

If a layman speaks of cinema look, then he says two things above all: Progressive and DOF.
Do not know why you always so complicated needs.
Antwort von ChrisHH:

De-interlacing, pronounced "Interlacing: Progressive," more is not it? Wow, this can even Magix.
Thanks for the help! :-)
Antwort von Axel:
De-interlacing, pronounced "Interlacing: Progressive," more is not it? Wow, this can even Magix. But there's more behind it. Interlace pictures I found always sucks, but honestly, they are on a good LCD or plasma sometimes not readily visible. Small depth of field is cool, but absolutely
everything that the subject is isolated from the background (less a technique than a deliberately designed Bildaufbau), produces enhanced images and video avoids look. For me, video does look, the film does what, it keeps the camera and makes a
recording. So realistic and without any magic it will look like. Film Look with me translate: He sees what, about, as he presents it s.besten and makes a
picture. That is the whole science.
Proposals (self quote from an old thread):
- The background weaker than illuminate the subject.
- The background brighter than illuminate the subject.
- A set highlight (bright light oblique contour of the back)
- In the Postpro a slightly blurred vignette to determine the motive.
- Vordergr. and wallpaper. with different color temperature (Rossini)
- General talk by contrasting colors
- In the composition the motif prominently identified
- The subject with the camera monitor. The background is determined by motion blur geblurrt.
- Open Aperture, teleconferencing and distance of subject and background
- With a fog machine the space tidy einnebeln
- An actor who intensively across, makes the establishment of secular room alone for the minor matter (Al Pacino may be synonymous between Yuccapalme Billy shelf and points, with a Einchipper filmed while uncle Jörg tiefenunscharfen on the Set of The Godfather will tell us nothing ... )
Antwort von PowerMac:
If a layman speaks of cinema look, then he says two things above all: Progressive and DOF.
Do not know why you always so complicated needs. No, I do not think so. You have quality people ask for it. My proposal: a softer, more natural picture impression with aesthetic colors.
Antwort von domain:

[quote = "Axel"]
For me, video does look, the film does what, it keeps the camera and makes a recording. So realistic and without any magic it will look like. Film Look with me translate: He sees what, about, as he presents it s.besten and makes a picture.
That is the whole science.
Excellent description. Looking synonymous s.Moroi trailer. If someone really understands design of image, then the entire Dilettantenfragerei after "film look" is no longer, the images look just fine, so thought out and consciously designed.
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

Why do I constantly experience that every customer would say the colors better, and everything looks quite different and a lot of great, if I got out of the rough just 50p to remove half of the pictures?
I have the x-times experienced, not just a customer who has been always and always. At all. "P" is the first parameter in the film look. Color and softness are artistic elements, but no fundamental characteristics as stick hard and s / w can just look for film. Shallow DOF is also characteristic, because it is the video simply does not exist. The layman is associated with film, because when the pores of the Rauhfasertapete from the building behind the protagonists can count, it will be in 99% of cases video.
Try it a try, set several times Monday, the customers prefer the 50i, and 25p on Tuesday, of course, or 16:9 or 2,35:1. And then retrieves the response from you.
Antwort von domain:

Much has probably come with about viewing habits to be done. The newer media is trying to imitate the old.
There is still time to Photoshop and graphics filters and any chance at all, synonymous schleißige SW artificially photos from 20 MPixel color to create ..
Antwort von PowerMac:

This is not scientific. You close of experiences that you've done with customers, to all people. If you've had many customers, and all by 25p and a smaller depth of focus were happy to make-then you must apply to all your customers. In addition, there is the question of what the movie look out, so criteria. And not a question of when customers believe that their video would now look more like cinema from. That is not the same. Maybe you could be better with pleasant colors or skin tones, the same effect (= customer believes, video looks better) to achieve.
It's always nice when people have their experiences. But it is not appropriate in such a subjective experience (pseudo-scientific) theories postulate.
Antwort von Axel:
Why do I constantly experience that every customer would say the colors better, and everything looks quite different and a lot of great, if I got out of the rough just 50p to remove half of the pictures? You know that we know that you're right. You know but synonymous, that we are not wrong, but must insist next. Your battle with Wowu reminds me s.die scene from "s.Missouri duel" in which Jack Nicholson and the teeth bared flötet Marlon Brando: "I come from the bath, if it fits
Antwort von Chezus:

Where he is right, he is right.
Videos are moving images.
If these pictures to be redundant (angular, as always synonymous) effect (ie, interlaced) is the amateurish.
Take 100 people and put them interlaced and progressive material before 90 people perceive the material as a progressive "film look", just no preference whether DOF, S / W, well lit, etc.
What most are looking for when they look for film looking for is "deinterlaced" material.
The rest makes the film better and brings him closer s.Kinofilme ran.
Antwort von domain:

What they seek is not deinterlaced but 24-25 fps per second s.besten or equal to 18 frames / sec. as in the old Super-8 format.
It must be nice bucking and flicker, then it is proper film.
Antwort von Jürgen F.:

@ Marc
? "... and everything looks quite different and a lot of great, if I got out of the rough just 50p to remove half of the pictures ?..."
Was denn nun? 720/50p / 108025p or 108025i?
@ Chezus
"... If these pictures to be redundant (angular, as always synonymous) effect (ie, interlaced) is the amateurish. ..."
Amateur prison?
Regards, Jürgen F.
Antwort von Chezus:

Yes, "amateurish", not what the consumer film to understand.
Is hard to describe.
A well-known of me has an LCD television, of everything you see there represents such. Too redundant.
The best looks of Hollywood strip her movements as "imperial and Schön from.
I quote my friend here, the term "deinterlacing" does not know: "... at your Television watching everything as if it was recorded with a video camera ..."
Color correction, DOF, etc. or not, it is mostly on the small 'p' to (at least from the consumer sicht)
1. DV material with Final Cut editing
Color correction on it, etc.
Interlaced output on DVD
=> Film seems just amateur prison despite great colors
2. DV material with Final Cut editing
Color correction on it, etc.
Effect to "Skip repeal" (yes I know, not really the optimal solution)
Progressive output on DVD
=> Film seems more "Filmlike"
As I said, very many people who have no idea of the technique, will agree with me there, and ultimately it is they who anschaun our films then.
Antwort von Schleichmichel:

The layman can not correctly identify why his videos do not act in such a way as the presenting. And here in the forum, he must now say what is going on. It reminds him nothing better, when the word "film look" to be used. The first is not so bad. Everyone wants quick solutions and bypasses the first detailed personal initiative, to find out myself what exactly with their own video will not be voting.
One method is to patent a few recipes to give. He should first half raushauen a 35mm adapter and arrange to get a little bit with the grading company to film nachzuempfinden behavior.
Another method is to try not to sound didactic, the questioner to make the question "How do I get a film look?" in "How do I get pictures, which are effectively synonymous?" Amend. That is alone much of the semantics clever, because it is solution-oriented. In the latter case would be the next question "What effect, I would like to achieve?", Etc. ..
The good in the latter solution is that the risk is lower, a technique to counter-peas, which are much s.seiner Camera rumgeschraubt, but more than mad sharp deflections on the ultimate trash or flowers can not produce.
In any case, I find that the Slashcam community is already up to vomit durchgekaut is why the reference to search the forums more than enough.
Antwort von Chezus:

Ok, then for the layman, amateur, as always synonymous, which look only at the Postpro wants to achieve:
=> Color correction (up contrasts, saturation down + as your personal touch more red, green, blue, etc.)
video progressive / deinterlaced output
And for all others who are more with the matter want:
- Depth Blur
- Lichtgebung
and what else has been mentioned a thousand times
Antwort von Schleichmichel:

Oops. Was s.Marc addressed ... sorry.
Antwort von Chezus:

achso, synonymous no preference. Now is there and the future "film look" questioner might look over it ;-)
Antwort von PowerMac:

You can take all your "deinterlacer" and "Field to throw away" soon stuck in the ass. Running times by the Media Markt! All New Television, 100 Hz, some expensive even 200 Hz, the interpolated intermediate images and yes, it looks like on video rotated. The aesthetics of the jerky 24p picture from the movie is one quickly to the dead. Off, dead and gone.
Everything is redundant.
Antwort von Chezus:

Only here is "Force of Habit" a major role.
The Picture in the Movies is not the reality and we like the audience.
If it is true, we encounter it, because we like the illusion.
Possibly. has so synonymous with what the Uncanny Valley Effect I do not know ...
Nobody likes waste, allglatte videos and until that changes, is still a lot of water flow. (Seems to be a study of diarrhea in ...)
Antwort von Axel: My user name is used, of course! The password does not, eh. Forgot your password, a new request. The user name is wrong with the e-mail address match (since changed)> Cancel. Can you find the key message of the article this quote?
Antwort von PowerMac:

It is a forum thread, no article: New Television reckon every cinema screen with 24 frames so high that it looks like with a video camera rotated. The aspect of the frame rate about the aesthetics of the film looks fell.
Antwort von Axel:
The aspect of the frame rate about the aesthetics of the film looks fell. That he is indeed on progressive TVs anyway. Corrected me if I am wrong, but here it is 50i in a 50p car. It is not jerky, well, it is unnecessary, very good. Is the whole picture in motion, it consists almost solely of an interpolated motion blur Matscher. Not good. Then prefer honest 25p. 50p would be the best, if this would be disseminated. I any case I would then not by my TV set to 100p high-let. Is not that pretty stupid? Instead of a higher frequency progressive enforce drags the fields for decades with, and can instead prefer to
invent your own pictures Television.
But, as I said, bucking heard about in the same way too high artificially-generated images such as film grain or strip.
Antwort von Bespi:
You can take all your "deinterlacer" and "Field to throw away" soon stuck in the ass. Running times by the Media Markt! All New Television, 100 Hz, some expensive even 200 Hz, the interpolated intermediate images and yes, it looks like on video rotated. The aesthetics of the jerky 24p picture from the movie is one quickly to the dead. Off, dead and gone.
Everything is redundant. stop watching TV in the run not just movies. zb in football brings a 100Hz unit also clear advantages.
I myself have a 50 hz and a 100 hz lcd and would like the 100 hz not miss anymore. synonymous movies you can enjoy this device and how the video looks far not enough.
synonymous, but what I do not understand: if the film belongs to Jerkiness apparently, but the bucking of the progressive canon method (24/25f) encourages everyone to.
Antwort von ChrisHH:

Now I would like my mustard synonymous times to enter:
The fact that a "film look" is one more than pure progressive export the movie, it is clear to me. As an (extreme) example: Lindenstrasse vs. CSI: Miami. Different recording techniques (vs. video. Or 35mm film camera adapter) Lighting in gray vs. gray. bright, colorful, colors ...
My original question relating to "remove the fields" has been satisfactorily answered. It referred only to the differences that I noticed, but not to the fundamental question is, what is the "movie look" mind, I have only used the phrase to illustrate what I mean.
Please bickers you do not :-).
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

We do not quarrel, we are discussing.
What 100/200Hz the department is concerned, this is a sickness, really. But if the consumer the difference to 24p does not see me then he can no preference to be synonymous. How long is the DVD or Bluray player in native 24p and can provide the 200Hz LCD supports it, the world is in order. That only makes sense where 200Hz is in sports and porn, so wherever's arm should be;)
This will, however, synonymous to identify the job with our s.Hut have nothing, and synonymous those cinematic aesthetics Picture terse out of emergencies with "film-look" tituli. Because we should be credible, I do not worry so much.
Antwort von PowerMac:
(...) Porn, so anywhere where there's more tangible to be (...) Actor Alfred penetrates three and a half minutes since actress Gianna an aristocratic villa in Lanzarote. We have a zehnsekündige Naheinstellung something untersichtig in Alfreds Giannas vagina penis on the sofa in the doggy position in a fast pace penetrates. The drives a limb and from the testicle schwab bern after sluggish. I wonder how this slush with motion blur images calculated intermediate want? From a Halbbilld of 1 / 50 second, the new Sony Television four frames. What he shows us then?
Antwort von RickyMartini:

Perhaps the soup?
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:
(...) Porn, so anywhere where there's more tangible to be (...)
Actor Alfred penetrates three and a half minutes since actress Gianna an aristocratic villa in Lanzarote. We have a zehnsekündige Naheinstellung something untersichtig in Alfreds Giannas vagina penis on the sofa in the doggy position in a fast pace penetrates. The drives a limb and from the testicle schwab bern after sluggish. I wonder how this slush with motion blur images calculated intermediate want? From a Halbbilld of 1 / 50 second, the new Sony Television four frames. What he shows us then? I see thee so that thou hast a little intense looks than I do. It should fit but then I am your skills and beaten show;)
Antwort von DWUA:

Purely linguistic terms such as "soup", etc. in visual realism
to bring, has always been the desire of Still Image / filmmakers.
Even at times when there
was nothing else than the "film look".
What should now look
like? With a "Ferrari" ad campaign will work differently
than with the investigation of a Fuchsbaus or the documentation at
Mirroring an intestine. (Anforderungsprofile / goals).
Everything is, was and remains content-related.
If we're of "film look" talk, there is the example in s / w
(dating from 1962) on all of your playback equipment to admire:
gell, Axel!
Antwort von Axel:
What he shows us then? Artefuckte.
I have now checked in Media Markt, a Sony. It is a very peaceful picture, very nice. Absolutely no video look. In a typical video says you always from the angle of the eye to see a little flicker, high-contrast edges look like electronical appear artificial. But not in these 200 Hz as Alfred came of the bystanders was a recognition "Aaah" to hear. Very convincing.
Purely linguistic terms such as "soup", etc. in visual realism
to bring, has always been the desire of Still Image / filmmakers.
Even at times when there was nothing else than the "film look".
;)) As there was no video, there was no film synonymous look. We make time with a video of an old tube camera, with the typical smear effect, and since then we hide title, so nice to flicker and buzz. Das wär mal an original look.
... or the documentary during a bowel mirroring. With
such The journey to the center of the earth. "Where it's because the anus?" Always follow the Light. "
If we're of "film look" talk, there is the example in s / w
(dating from 1962) on all of your playback equipment to admire:
gell, Axel!
But now really.
Antwort von DWUA:
"Process" The ingenious architecture of the
light is maintained even at 16 'terrific.
Antwort von alexanderdergrosse:

No, I do not think so. You have quality people ask for it. My proposal: a softer, more natural picture impression with aesthetic colors. Powermac, which turns your your shorts (with the cam)?
(Video excerpts from short films on the Modern's website)
Antwort von PowerMac:

On a Varicam, formerly on a DVX100, now on 16mm, Red ...
Antwort von alexanderdergrosse:

And the scene with the bicycle-propelled with the woman?
Antwort von PowerMac:

Varicam ...
Antwort von AndreasW.:
That only makes sense where 200Hz is in sports and porn, so wherever's arm should be;)
So we turn our ähhh P. erotik filme with the RED ONE, which is different :-)
Antwort von Axel:
If we're of "film look" talk, there is the example in s / w
(dating from 1962) on all of your playback equipment to admire:
gell, Axel!
;)) The "Movie Gallery", one by directors Nobly assorted video, had to demand my original version concerned because unabridged. On the subject of "film look" is not a good example. There are recipes all relevant disregarded. There are mainly practically absolute depth (especially in the "normal" lit first quarter, which seemed set in a tiny, Ks furnished room, very weitwinkling was recorded), and the many shots are always just about takes longer to establish ie they are never boastful self purpose. Above all, teach them, loosely said, "clean" movements, ie there will be no neat partout thumb cinema Jerkiness set.
Most, however, will deter young movie gazers who probably synonymous Kafka's novel does not want to read that the film is so
uncomfortable. Even in the eerie mystery or horror film of the rod there is a comfortable reference. Namely that he is with our internalized value system more than the effect rubs sake, but never in question. Of course, this is less a question of film as a means of content. The issue of imitation, the search for the movie look behind closed synonymous with a basically Chen murky waters not want to.
Welles on the other hand, always wanted to "wave" and it is therefore often, especially for the contemporary taste, being somewhat pathetic. One criticism that one can take advantage of to protect themselves against the questions to arm, the film raises. The process is gone, long like the verdict, which is staging a farce, too shrill, too implausible.
Antwort von DWUA:

Hello Axel,
censeo ceterum which seems to bear fruit!
First of all, but
thanks for the answer!
The course is synonymous's
process for movies has been made.
According to a wise statement of
Kluge sits where the viewer
known alternately in the dark and in the light.
So before times and times of a black against a bright surface, the
may be large.
DIR But to say, means "carry owls to Athens".
That this is the goggle is not happening is clearly synonymous.
That with the 16 "is of course nonsense, if you type" cinema look "wants.
Before we continue:
If you as an
unabridged version of a VHS version?
(Movie Gallery)
As a DVD, there was not previously.
As always synonymous:
On the standard DVD (synonymous
The Trial), there are
interesting statements of former employees.
It opens up a lot at first regarding
locations, Light - and
camera work. Why for example, film 300 meters (one tin) s.Stück be rotated,
during quiet scenes if possible be moved to other
Perspectives and lighting conditions to create
Why because of the 300-meter Perkins times slowly, sometimes faster
drag the box in order in time for the street lights to
arrive, you know, only if the attitude Welles' knows
the "two mythical hours (dawn and dusk)
to use.
At the cameraman says W.:
Either you do this, or we will separate us as friends.
The cameraman says he did everything so rotated, as it wanted to W..
And: "I never believed that it goes".
At the intersection with W. has worked 48.
And, and, Other
Of course this is an "unrealistic form of cinema." Aesthetic all.
W. says:
The logic of the story is the logic of a dream.
One nightmare ...
... Nightmares about guilt have filled my life ...
... it is an autobiographical film, to me closer than any
other stands.
The Unpleasant, uncomfortable you, Axel, ansprichst,
(synonymous the unkafkaeske end)
has ensured that in-film art Theatiner Munich
the audience remained seated fairly affected are synonymous according to
closed curtain.
Fortunately, there was a floor to talk about a pizzeria.
Times would be a start;
But again many thanks.
Antwort von Axel:

It is unfortunately synonymous then probably a shortened version (113m), and synonymous with no additional material, poorly researched ...
That with the 16 "is of course nonsense, if you type" cinema look "wants. The Movies is the only place that is no s.dem look cinema can give. The terms "film look" and "cinema look" are misleading.
The idea is:
If I have somehow created with tricks, so my video to look like it, I will be admitted by Türhüter. I know that especially with regard to equipment of myself
when I have these lights, this Micro or this program, I came next. That costs money, I must restrict myself. Psychologically seen an under-value sense (amateur!), Existential seen a commercial outlet (the corruption of the fleas). That is why professionals over the whole issue pitying or scornful only shake their heads, like a whore for a Free secretly love just feels pity or contempt
(How deep is he dropped that he was surrendering with MIR). Before the Law Our self-image as someone who must create something transcendent (Please note that "film look" with "reality" absolutely nothing to do
want to have!) Takes us on a waiting bench in front of a huge barrier. We Hadern with the indifference of the law to our needs, while we sit in a setting that we have built: "This input was only destined for you. I'll close it now."
Treacherous fields and sharpness can be relatively easily overcome. You - or, rather, that it bothers you - are a symptom. The underlying causes are:
1. Claims (of pre-images are derived) and facilities / capabilities are in a mismatch.
2. Propulsion and inhibition cancel each other out, nothing remains. You get nothing in the chain. Frustration> inhibit> spite of renewed drive, etc.
Solution: Point 1
to detect and recognize. This is out of the vicious circle at point 2, the "inhibition" away.
Antwort von DWUA:

Hello Axel,
And synonymous with no additional material ...".
That is already
ex e rbitant - uh,
ex o rbitant pity! This alone would have the 9 Euro 99 justify.
Not because it would be extremely abundant (two times 30 minutes)
or particularly helpful tricks betrayed;
no, - it is only supplementary material.
(Some people would like it better than the thing itself to the
it is, the film as a work of art):
A brief retrospective of Welles' first adventure
"Working life" as a "panic" (1938, radio voice,
"The War of Worlds" by
HG Wells). Funding problems after
Citizen Kane (first film at age
of 26 years), 1940 final "Verfeindung" with the U.S. H-Studios.
At the "touching" (the interest s.Filmhistorischem
provided) the interviews with the former cameraman
Edmond Richard, the "film maker"
André S. Labarthe (the man with the eternal
Gitane paper s.mais s.der lip)
or the "comparative" literature professor
Jean Pierre Morel. On the subject of "film look" / "film look":
Has just been re-"playful" in the round is thrown.
Quick Magic Bullet Looks. They prefer
more of DWUA
nix. Is better this way.
Antwort von Axel:

If you do not know, I've already recommended several times: "F for Fake". This additional material as fettes a complete documentation: "Orson Welles - The One Man tape".
The hammer is an excerpt from "The Other Side Of The Wind", an unfortunately not finished works. Some young people are sitting in the rain at night in a car, taken as one sees in other footage, in an old car wreck, on a lawn in front of hingammelt.
No budget. Family and neighbors. A work of love.
The equivalent to the last drop out of the "perfume". So just cinematically, that the "film look" on the other hand, how wretched adulteration acts.
I hate it, clip it out of context to tear, but pulls out the inside:
I caused a shiver.
Antwort von DWUA:

F for Fake is a brilliant
assembly. The man with cape, hat and cigar is (; again) main characters.
S.ihm The most important thing is his voice.
He knows that he must use.
The music fits accordingly.
Difficult times, sometimes impressionistic (; as synonymous to the images as
Monet in the garden among the weeds sitting filmed), sometimes as
bland, elevator-jazz casual à la Jacques Loussier
(; Play Bach); as synonymous in between in the
process over again.
Is this not "mesh" hot, but
style. You need to have the "magic of cinematic" guided by
ignominious s.Inhalt not to wither.
From the newspaper "duck" on the "Flying Saucers" and Kunstfälschern
art-market art criticism is effectively Now,
it was something something new, contemporary.
But it is not.
Has always been there. But
Welles yet.
(; Artist> Dealers> Art> Fraud)
Since 5000 years and more.
What can one who has no idea of the
Fakes of the
massive medieval or ancient times has
otherwise do, when alone and lonely
(; ultimately the PC Americans in Paris ") on contemporary
Victim to crash?
"... the best critical opinion."
Tintoretto was in a subordinate clause mentioned.
What is "arrogance" and of whom she?
Antwort von JonasB:

I hate it, clip it out of context to tear, but pulls out the inside:
I caused a shiver. "This video has been removed by the user."
One finds the film synonymous somewhere else? : P After such impressive contributions, I am interested in what makes you intrigued ... ;)
PS I know I'm half a year too late ...: P
Antwort von Axel:

The section is, as I said, the bonus material of "F as counterfeiting" (DVD at Amazon, for example, generally is in good city libraries to borrow above). It is so like with all the fragments: More puzzles than edification. Unless one is on the puzzle. Your curiosity is
even better, saving you the film.