Infoseite // [Poll] market opportunities for Micro Four Thirds camcorder with an interchangeable lens?

Frage von LarsProgressiv:

Hello Foriker,

here is a small survey of me, to see views of who might be interested in a camcorder with Wecheslobjektivsystem and this sensor size.
I intentionally did not write about this price region.
The sensor I'm going out of a 12 MPix Resolutionfür 720p or 1080p.

I know that other characteristics play a role (manual Eisntellungsmöglichkeiten, frame rate, low-light capability, ...) but the times I let the complexity due to the outside.
For Whom the answers are insufficient, can still leave a detailed comment.



Antwort von pailes:

Maybe I'm too stupid, but like a Micro Four Thirds system can have a 16:9 sensor?


Antwort von LarsProgressiv:

Hello pail,



Antwort von pailes:

All right, thank you for the explanation. Naive as I am, I thought the name would be synonymous to say something about the sensor size.


Antwort von LarsProgressiv:

Hello pail,

"Pailes" wrote: Naive as I am, I thought the name would be synonymous to say something about the sensor size.

synonymous he is doing. The 4 / 3 is an indication of size in inches in Comparison to any


Antwort von LarsProgressiv:

Once again, here a clarification:

For FullHD at 16:9 8.3 megapixels (Bayer sensor) would be sufficient, but that meant a 4:3 sensor 11.1 megapixels.

In 16:9 format would be the active sensor surface of approximately 18.9 mm × 10.6 mm, so that the surface of a Sensorsubpixels could be about 4.5% larger than 4:3 and its 11.1 megapixels. Whether the low-light capability measurably improved?



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