Frage von Neo:
have an XL1 with three audio tracks (; 12bit setting s.Camcorders-2 audio channels of the atmosphere Micro, 1 channel, an external micro) recorded.
How can I in Premiere Pro 1.5 import these three audio tracks including the video image.
Here I must mention that the third audio track, ie the external micro was not always connected s.Camcorders.
When you import the DV footage I noseperate setting in Premiere Pro found. I prefer the clip in my timeline, a visual track evidence and an audio track. Would not it be a video track and two audio tracks to be??
Antwort von Markus:

it was recently reported for the first ... can you capture with Premiere only the first stereo track. The second track recorded as ScenalyzerLive. Both stereo tracks simultaneously, the Matrox capture tool store - if you happen to be a RT.X100 Matrox realtime video card to hand you. ;-)
It does noRolle that the external microphone was not connected at all times. If no sound is there, the speaker will remain silent at this time. Greetings
Antwort von Markus:

The question I can answer you, since I do not know the software mentioned.
Antwort von Neo:

Thanks for your answer!
Speaks anything against the freeware version of Screen A??
Or has the necessary functionality?
A Matrox card I did not, therefore, eliminated this alternative ....