Frage von silentzero:
Jaa, hallo erstmal. Did I know whether or not at all hers.
I'd like my views then a 3D program grow (probably Cinema 4D) and had as a question. And although the biggest issue for me is about wenns 3D Programs.
How can you insert a generietes 3D object into a movie, or persons of a film into a 3D space?
Since I have After Effects, which is probably made with the.
But I have to import the video of the 3D program AE and join because then 2D movie with 3D object?
Or do I have to import the 3D object into AE and then join as 3D objects with 2D film.
Long story short. As I just war the 2D film into 3D object, or vice versa?
Antwort von LuFaHa:

Maybe this will help:
(Hab grad so ne responded to similar question.)
Good luck