Infoseite // AE Animation-Paramount Stars

Frage von tillsen:

I would like the Paramount logo stars animate along a path. Has anyone ever made? Habe with Trapcode Particular Stroke and tried but can not next ...

Thank you for your input!


Antwort von deformatik:

If you work with CS3 you can yes the star with a form level. The path you can eg create in Illustrator and then using copy / paste feature in the position of the star you copy or create the path directly in ae.



Antwort von tillsen:

Thanks for the message, but I think I must express myself more precise: I am interested in the animation of the stars along a path. So: The stars are flying in a range close below the camera into the picture, rotate in their axis and lined up in a circle around the mountain. According to the new logo, not the old where the stars are just.
So I want the stars along a path can go.


Antwort von lx2:

So it's not easy!

Either you keyframes each star individually, or you do with the expression.

For expressions you create a null object and animate the position. That is exactly the path to the stars wander.

After you create your stars. There you go again to the Transform> Position and make a Alt-clicking on the stopwatch next position. Then the position values for red, meaning they are now complemented by an expression (= programming) controlled.

Subheading must another line appeared, which means "Expression: Position" and there's a little icon that looks like a spiral.
As you click on it, and drag with the mouse to connect to zero 1> Transform> Position. After Effects creates the auto correct program code.

It should have been the first star on the zero object / "path" to run. No matter how you change the path later, the anchor point of the star is always the same heading as your null object.

You want to determine that the other stars timeshift "fly". Then you must unfortunately still something about this program by hand.

Your expression for the star position is something like this:
thisComp.layer ( "Null 1"). transform.position

In this composition> look at the level with the name "Zero 1"> Look under the Transform Properties> Look s.die body position.

The 2nd Stern should not now s.der current position of the zero object, but before s.der example of a second. Then you have to still dranhängen

. value_at_time (time-1)

> The value to the following date: Current date - 1 sec

Complete the expression is:

thisComp.layer ( "Null 1"). transform.position.value_at_time (time-1)

Do you but in spite of great programming and Trapcode plugins disappoint. After Effects can not be a "real" 3D. If you want that the stars rotate around its axis as it were, and always look at the logo (expressed mathematically: Your normal vectors always point to the logo) and synonymous still have a certain thickness to be (ie not flat when they are of the Page watches) then you a real 3D program (I recommend C4D) drumrumkommen not.

Hope it was helpful.


Antwort von tillsen:

"LX2" wrote: So it's not easy!
Hi Alex, I thought that just yet. Especially when I have 50 stars ... then I see really only star ... because the levels are, I can copy, but the time difference I have with any individual to enter ...

But you have given me very helpful, thank you! What I must now draw up the different end positions.


Antwort von lx2:

That with the end positions, I have noticed synonymous. When one is very clever, it is characterized as a spiral path and modifies the expression of a further condition:

"If time exceeds a certain value, the star not weiterverschoben"

ne is delicate matter may go so

[code: 1:4 b47e87e91] einfligedauer = 2;
time offset = 3.5;

if (time-time offset <einfligedauer) (
thisComp.layer ( "Null 1"). transform.position.value_at_time (time-time offset)
else (thisComp.layer ( "Null 1"). transform.position.value_at_time (einfligedauer))
[/ code: 1:4 b47e87e91]

and then each time the shift change


Antwort von lx2:

Hab noch ne tolle URL to the problem:


Antwort von tillsen:

And just today has a new tutorial in the solution in an expression states that the points on several levels. Have a look!


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