Frage von hebor1:
I have my private Hi-8 and Digital 8 video with Adobe Prem. Elements 2.0 to all secure "custody" on an external hard drive copied. The results are avi files with DV codec.
On the PC, everything is in very good quality as with Zoom Player Max
played. Now I would however like to see these videos on my Television synonymous. In addition I've bought the TV HD Media Player of Western Digital, which is synonymous, almost all codecs avi!
I did notice, however, must realize that he meant large avi files abspelen can not exist. My demand for WD showed that the player can only AVI with Xvid codecs, AVC, MPEG1/2/4, WMV9, VC-1 but not of course supports the DV codec!
Is there a media player that can display my movies of the external FP on the TV? Or - if not - in what format should the AVI files are transformed to bring the best quality with my videos on the Television?
TV: Pioneer PDP-435FDE, satellite receiver: Dreambox 800HD PVR, Media Player: WD HD TV Live
Thank you for your help
Antwort von prime:

Then you can take what you like;)
I would resort to AVC or MPEG2. Whether you are now a thing or take it depends s.wieviel time you want to spend to convert and how important is the file size. To make it short AVC = more efficient but will need more time to convert, MPEG2 less efficiently to ensure the conversion goes faster.
The best times you just do a test with both and there you look on your Television s.was you like better.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Take the progi of eRightSoft SUPER draw - as all or only one of your AVI's purely and provide a
AVI - Xvid - mp3
Format left (720x576)
Now press down convert to wait - and after a while you were there xyz.avi.AVI datein who have qualified pretty much the same as your output files and run on your player are voralllem that only about 15% of the gross bzgl MB size.
Works is super fast and saves even more space.
B. DeKid
Antwort von prime:

SUPER synonymous would if it provides the opportunity to "interlace" mode of XviD and activate the field order can be established. If not then prefer to use a different encoder.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Yes, the need to go in the video box at the far right press Options> Other Ops ... then goes on NEN small field.
But actually can stand to progressive.
B. DeKid
Antwort von prime:
But actually can stand to progressive. Why? He has yet Hi8/Digital8-Aufnahmen - which are most likely interlaced, so why the encoder set wrong?
Important it is synonymous in decode. This material is not progressive but interlaced and looks very ugly in the wrong field order out as soon as something moves in the Picture.