Frage von garmn:
Hi I'm new here, but know your site for some time.)
I am very happy to tinker-around s.Videos, because I have less time career but I can not soooooooo long as I would have liked to employ.
I work normally with Vegas 5 or 6 now have ne question about After Effects 7
I am happy fummel itself purely by tuts and trying to achieve what, click nen little bit and it works as synonymous vlt mal was xD
but I try to perform nu grade Intermediate Tuts
nu the question: what is called in German AE create NEW SOLID? For example:
Create a New Solid into a New Composition.
Apply Effect> Render> Fractal Noise. And yet ne question I had:
Set up the key frame to move to the Right from the Left. have been earned to have lots of the Tuts and rausgefunden but some things do not work out quite right, as did the with the key frame can not be found D:
I know I'm a noob ^ ^ but everyone starts small. P
MANY thanks for any help. P
Gr33tz Garmn
Antwort von Conny:

Ayato tutorial what it is?
I guess No.21
Antwort von garmn:

NR22 Light Burst Logo * cough *. P
^ ^
Antwort von Conny:

STEP 1 create a new solid color (solid) => Effect> Text s.wenden> plain text
Step 2 Step 1 to create a new comp.
Effect> Blur & Sharpen> Blur grausscher apply (ca.10px)
Step 3 Step 2 into a new comp set.
Effect> Trapcode> Shine apply
step 4 create a new solid color in a new comp.
Effect> fractal noise
step 5 the best as always last ....
It will complete if you composite all of the material.
Apply Lumminance mat "to the smoke material.
Antwort von prem:
... Set up the key frame to move to the Right from the Left. animate the source point of Shine of left to right
Antwort von garmn:

ahhh solid color * lichtaufgeh * thanks for the help, has schonmal really helped me at ranmachen werd ma
Gr33tz Garmn.)
Antwort von garmn:

ooookeeeee ... as far as getting everything out except the ^ ^ ^ ^ keyframe with dm
the source point of Shine is set in the complete-comp of "smoke" is posited on lumi synonymous, but I have so nen keyframe set for right ---> running links
Who can help me again here? would be nice
Gr33tz Garmn
Antwort von prem:
up to the keyframe with dm ^ ^ You will not believe it but that's all in the Manual on p.229
Antwort von Set_Tiger:

If no manual hilt
google mal design Video2Brain or Galileo
da gibts lernDVDs good;)
Antwort von medvedikjora: