Good day,
meanwhile since May 2008 is now running on Transfrontier Television of the passenger Fernbuslinie Public Express (Bremen - Oldenburg - Groningen;
We are now looking for interested film makers (animation possible), your works with us want to show. Make a payment, we can not offer, but our TV platform and a lot of international, interested passengers!
Criteria of the cartoons: - No longer than 5 minutes
- No sound, because we are out of consideration for the passengers without a sound Send (In case of emergency can be synonymous on the film have
English subtitles)
We would be interested in feedback and Filmmakers very happy!
More information (and registration / transfer) (under the "Program")
Antwort von B.DeKid:

What is an Animation film?
This should perhaps be said ;-) As can indicate differences from Through ;-)
In how far the animation? Because 5 min 3D animation can be tricky as these, especially as regards the implementation is concerned ....
5min aquarium or fireplace or train .... are easier than "Old Style Classic Comic" ... Picture of the latest design of no speech.
So just what NEN bissel say about the direction that helps tremendously. Also what it except international audience jumps out at s.Entlohnung would be nice to know. Because via Youtube and Deviant Art here has actually already huge audience levels.
B. DeKid
Antwort von smooth-appeal:

Will not your thing defeatists but why should one pay without effort?
Your collects synonymous but if someone in your advertising switches. Give at least "something" from.
Ps If you need references have "prostituted" you the same for leading companies and institutions. If Lufthansa, Cebit or similar on your customer list, the middle class behind running, if you provide publicity for something ...
Struggling or rear of the field roll ;-)

The term "animation" was specially chosen by the whole wide grasp. In principle everything is possible - a little cartoon, a 3-D film, a small, sophisticated Flash animation, etc.
Our program has been in place since May 2008 - and of advertising, we just refinance the effort behind it. In the future it will be possible synonymous a bonus to the film makers to offer - but we just start with the action and hope for feedback (two important feedback has already been given above). We are s.Anfang - and roll the field, as so beautifully said, "of the back on."
Many greetings and look forward to receiving feedback from ...
Antwort von der_kleine_techniker:

You can sent me a video of any length and format of flowers beautifully rendered images with transitions get. Flowers picture 10 seconds, then 5 seconds transition into the New Picture, Picture 10 seconds, then 5 seconds transition ........ New Picture
Antwort von FabeX:

So sorry .. but I do not understand your concept ..
A company has the winning goal to write so it can not be the target grade times the coverage of expenses.
And the expenses are synonymous now look at the films, of which their lives so in the end.
I would be at least a percentage s.Gewinn for Filmmakers for books, otherwise your business is a bit watery :-)
nix für ungut.
schöne Grüße
a great deal of calculation must be * g *
Antwort von der_kleine_techniker:

Now let one, they are only s.Anfang yes.
But it is certainly true that sooner or later the content of synonymous Manufacturer must see what.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

@ der_kleine_techniker
Before not too long time for someone I've
Concept, part of the planning and advertising pros pictures.
Everything on the basis that "the potential customers, there are many orders, there is plenty of money."
(we are talking now of the "top 10 000", so there are private sums "playful" where others of 2 months to live. So, a very sophisticated clientele)
I had the beginning of the s.betont normally everything would be really quite expensive and the cost is "particularly s.Anfang quickly span the budget would be if I would work to pay.
They thanked me, me honey smeared around the mouth.
Quick was removed from the initial work is of a nearly 24 / 7 Project ...
Since even a little, here are a little bit, etc.
Everything still ok or under.
Then came the first stress, working documents and the steps I weeks in advance via the concept called as essential and necessary, were half-tackled and realized much too late.
Then, even error is trying to push me, but I am the basis of a haunting conversation and produce all my stuff was put back.
(I said if my man did not get the stuff, and I can then drawing date via email and confirmation, as evidenced in the things 6 weeks on their system .... ok dormant)
Then the shocker 2te
Dato what material to X clients "in writing" were promised "5 under 12" only in order, through relationships, I could both in price as synonymous in the completion of a request that the Company Patner 'me a favor "did so not least all of my customers' orders to lose donors.
(I was sour stink - and weeks of planning, etc. were just as relevant due gesehn - Re-interview and admonition of my job s.den Seits donors)
Event was s.Laufen, but the expected onslaught of no trace.
Also, now is not important event data entered into the website.
As of the beginning I wanted to make s.die website, sometimes they even had ierstellt, but then a "professional company" so beautragt was the pö a pö into gear ...... I had to comb the cart back from the Schei ** e ziehn.
Then comb the next shocker, My name is now used as an advertisement for a product / event which I only wanted help with. Since then I am for the first time really "ausgerastet" demanded immediate change ..... and led an intensive discussion with the Board.
A planned rotation and Still Image of the executive session of the event venues should be, was never implemented although Equitment concept .... everything months in advance as a blessing in itself.
Slowly I lost confidence in the client.
After I was after and then the contact will expire, and began again to s.mich essentiel necessary matters / contracts to worry about.
Then just before the end of the event, whether a call ..... I would be ready for the "Finale" of the events documented. Sure I would do.
Good Wunderbar .... then a week before my final call to the client to inquiries concerning the items to be shown in the meantime, once again had not responded.
"Ai, I wanted to ask what the times with the event now that I would own via train (Train Ticket Pros arrive, one night in billigeem hotel to friends or even make it s.nächsten day 300 n.entfernt equal to another customer to another.
The Equitment and the work I would not be calculated. So I would just us (minus the discount) and the overnight charges.
POINTED OUT, I received the following reply:
"I thought you would this (my work / now occurring task) than HONOR sehn?"
Honor - yes, I can honor of my 4 JRT not buy food and my studio / house is so synonymous not paid / completed.
I had 4 months almost exclusively to the stuff I care now and where I b

Because I have what triggered --
obviously it is not my plan, anyone across the table to take or not to participate s.Gewinnen.
I myself am a film maker, I have one and a half years as a small self-made, and live like this, to me that my Client Money to pay for my movies.
For this TV, I have passenger of Public Express get a free hand - a part of the revenue is simply s.den operator, the rest s.den Manufacturer, ie me. My claim for the program but is higher - I do not want to be just a publicity generating television. Therefore I try to just synonymous artistic content!
Maybe in one to two months, quite different, and everyone here would have been thrilled, because I have 400 euros per broadcasting offering. I can not guarantee - and I speak here of simple ones, like me, sometimes utopian dream of the chase, in which all commercial stuff a little soul to be able to hide.
Nothing for ungut but against this background, I think some of the responses is excessive.
Many greetings!