Infoseite // Banding in footage on the DVD!

Frage von leoHDV:


I have a need to play. Unfortunately I could not my HV 20 hernehmen since it was in repair.

That's why I had a friend of a hard disk camcorder to borrow, which unfortunately only able to record in SD.

When cutting with Magix is 07/08, I noticed that the film material is very strong and stripes on the DVD is the film of the quality, not nice to look.

What did I do wrong or what am I doing wrong?
The cam is of Panasonic with 1 x 800,000 pixels!

Thank you for your answers!


Antwort von Markus:

Check times the project setting, with which you have edited the recordings: Is it a computer - or an HDV Project? With the latter would be the shots hochskaliert may have been true and then possibly the Halbbildfolge not synonymous (DV = bottom field first / HDV = top field first). Both can lead to streaks.


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