Infoseite // Blendenflecke synonymous without background show?

Frage von maho:

I added a Komposition_A a lens effect, which is used as a glowing ball in an animation ".
This effect is, however, only appears if I add a color background. Since this Komposition_A but I would like to involve another Komposition_B, it must be transparent and the color background has to go.
Unfortunately, the aperture effect disappears, when synonymous in the new Komposition_B a background (and exists as the Komposition_A a closed system is?).

Is there a solution?
Thank you.


Antwort von Jörg:

You can create the flare on a black field of color? This will then be in a new comp transparent.Oder use your flare chromainfo the background?
Gruß Jörg


Antwort von maho:

Thanks for the reply.
So I created a Komposition_A with a black background (via New-> solid color, black current). Then I created a lens flare, which is then visible.
Now I create a Komposition_B. In Komp_B is an avi. In addition, I then move into Komp_B, Komp_A inside. But then the black color from Komp_A is not transparent.

Am I doing something wrong?
When I have flare as a test for the standard "flare" of AE and use the other one from the Knoll Light Factory plugin. Whether you use these two chromainfo I do not knows.


Antwort von Jörg:

add or negative mode using the time to multiply to the flare which lies above the avi.


Antwort von maho:

ok, now is the black background transparent.
Only when adding to the bright pictures of the avi's the whole thing seems too bright. In dark picture looks great from.
When multiplied by a negative, it seems to be transparent.

If only I had the flare would probably come out well. Only except of the flare are still andereobjekte in the comp.

But thank you.


Antwort von Andjey:

then render the flare out as psd with alpha example, after inserting the template on the Alpha mode, turn flare.


Antwort von Uwe:

You can do it on synonymous Effects => channels = Set to> mat. If you should get a little dark edges => Remove Color Matte ...


Antwort von maho:

I have now tested all of your suggestions. A few times it did not look as bad, but I was not really satisfied.
Just as I realized that, After Effects, this is not just what I intend to do. But I have now found a plugin with which this is possible.

Here is the link if anyone interested:


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