Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Canon 5d MKII video clip of rob - 25 Nov 2008 09:44:00 Once we are on
beeindruckende Nikon D90 Video -Clips
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Antwort von Zizi:

How does it work?
He has a Canon 5D with lenses equipped Nokkor?
Antwort von Spaceman:

Dream. The part SLR makes everything so far seen in the shade.
And is still synonymous affordable ... Einfach geil!
Antwort von Christian Schmitt:

If I so much would have Nikon glass, I would be synonymous s.ner Canon want to ...
Here you can see at last the main purpose of the video DSLR: the photographer eh "on location", you can now even HD video capture for the item and if it s.Ende only impressions are ...
This can now Chung EX3 his home and leave with his photo camera super esthätische videos - a dream ...
Vl so that no one wants 90min Documentary rotate, HD web features, but in any case.
Antwort von canovision:

It's quite easy, for example, with adapter rings of NOVOFLEX, synonymous older
manual Nikon or Leica SLR lenses can s.den
Canon housings are used.
What is lacking is the open aperture and autofocus of course, but time automatic and manual exposure is guaranteed.
The diameter of her much bigger Canon bayonet mount allows the use of this adapter, while maintaining the requirement level, ie
Distance setting to infinity!
I'm using for a long time (now s.meiner D 40) the outstanding old Tele-ED Nikkore, which will remain in my "Nikon-time" comes.
Antwort von canovision:

Of course you can only Nikon optics with aperture ring
Antwort von tillbaer:

So, a 90-minute nature documentary, I would gladly do so already. For me true pictures s.diesen everything. And that such a large difference to the Nikon even when the significantly compressed Vimeo material looks, speaks again in favor. For me it would be not only because of the price an alternative to the EX3 but synonymous because the current and future lens offer - of course, synonymous to the second hand market. If one considers that a camera is doing hard until today, reasonable photos, was the implementation of video in the DSLR pretty fast.
I hope the next trend is so - because such a price to Lowlightbilder XH-A1 are (forgive me the word choice) einfach geil!
Antwort von tillbaer:

... Sorry, somehow my post was posted twice.
Antwort von Zizi:

och immern I would like to know what your camcorder with a
D5 compare !!!!!!! ;-(
Antwort von the_flasher:

the pictures are very impressive, especially under such lighting conditions. Yet with no camera pans to me that the film suddenly runs very jerkily. Someone knows if the camera is s.der or rather s.Kamermann?.
Gruss theflasher
Antwort von tillbaer:

@ the_flasher:
Almost all of HD video on Vimeo Jerkiness - at least for me.
Antwort von raymaker:

Very impressive material, but his jubilation Spaceman storms (as in the D90-jerky video) was released predictable;)
The bucking is partly a 5D problem, but s.großteil synonymous s.Kameramann / Tripod
Antwort von Valentino:
@ the_flasher:
Almost all of HD video on Vimeo Jerkiness - at least for me. HD switch times, then calmly walk Solt it.
What struck me in these videos 5D II always evident that not all blurred by the optics but can be retrofitted by blur mask must be created.
At 3:40, people should really amount to the painter schraf be synonymous and synonymous with 3:26 fall clearly into the eyes green bottles behind the seller aufeinmal so odd to be blurred.
This is me but like I said in this video of the New York 5D fallen into the eye.
The only thing about this light and clarity is achieved Vision3 material puscht something.
However, it synonymous not forget it in such big cities at night is very bright and not so duster as in many a German city.
My first night in New York is synonymous me away as I could and even with my HC1 usable shots.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... och immern I would like to know what your camcorder with a D5 can compare ... You can compare them with each, the result is only different from ... It is always depends on what kind of possible criteria you value sets. The Canon 5D is, incidentally, not D5, otherwise they would be of a diesel Volvo ;-)
Antwort von Zizi:

Already clear in sharpness, Lowlight, image noise, etc. ..
Antwort von Bernd E.:
Sharpness ... .. The sharpness is also dependent on the lens, but with the 5D replacement is - insofar as it is on this point no universally judge.
Antwort von Christian Schmitt:

[quote = "Valentino"]
What struck me in these videos 5D II always evident that not all blurred by the optics but can be retrofitted by blur mask must be created.
At 3:40, people should really amount to the painter schraf be synonymous and synonymous with 3:26 fall clearly into the eyes green bottles behind the seller aufeinmal so odd to be blurred.
Here in this video, it could simply "Nikon 85mm F2.8 lens shift", which he has in his arsenal.
Is not as extreme as a Lensbaby, but similar ...
The bottles could it be but tatsächlcih the advertising policies of the Guardian, the dominant point of example, Coca Cola bottles and say something then extra will geblurt ...
Antwort von Christian Schmitt:
Already clear in sharpness, Lowlight, image noise, etc. .. At least keep it in this score in comparison to much more expensive camcorders with good.
Whether I will run but the customer wants is ne other thing, by the handling times apart, but at least there are now solutions of EG or Zacuto RR ...
Antwort von Zizi:
The sharpness is also dependent on the lens .... I do not believe that at a Resolutionvon 2 million. Pixels (1920x1080)
a top lens is needed?
In 15mio pixel photos is something else but for video capabilities would have a ¬ 200 Lens FullHD the sharpness full advantage!
At least keep it in this score in comparison to much more expensive camcorders with good.
Whether I will run but the customer wants is ne other thing, by the handling times apart, but at least there are now solutions of EG or Zacuto RR ... Should this mean that they SonyPMW with an EX1 or XH A1 in the league plays .. apart of the depth?
And what applies to upload your info?
As far as I know there is still no single correct Comparison
with test images, etc.?
Slashcam, camcorder or video asset info, etc.?
Antwort von Zizi:

Antwort von Zizi:

Antwort von dvcut:

We had today Dieter Küppersbusch of Canon visiting with us and have about 100 guests from amateur to professional. Cinematographer Camera to the Pro even more precisely viewed. I've seen a lot, but for the 1st Generation - hats off. We will use the camera just before Christmas s.eine film and give a harder test. About the workshop and on the video, we will certainly report back. A press release the day we are synonymous with the publications distributed. We are excited and waiting for the first series devices. Schönes Wochenende.
Antwort von strike300xxx:

White as a high data rate in the Canon5D mk2 in FullHD mode?
Is it 24Mbit?
Antwort von Bernd E.:
Data FullHD ... ... ... 24Mbit? ... According to the usually very reliable information on dpreview, it is 38.6 Mbit / s.
Antwort von dvcut:

There are probably 44MBit / s
Antwort von strike300xxx:

Aha ... In what format is because the Canon?
AVCHD can only max. 24Mbit / s.
Antwort von

There is a much better and with video of the 5D:
So I get them to me in any case.
Antwort von strike300xxx:

The video is already old hat.
Antwort von Zizi:

The video is of a promotional video Canon ..
From something I read not affect me!
As was perfectly lit, probably only s.Werk professionals!
I doubt that 90% of customers 5D such videos (can)!
The final result usually looks at the holiday videos from depressing!
Antwort von B.DeKid:

If you are a Canon 5D MKII buys for holiday photos / holiday movie that has ...
- Too much money
- A too small penis
- It earned in all of his vacation to get stolen Equitment
Quasi no authorization life ;-)
B. DeKid
Antwort von Zizi:
If you are a Canon 5D MKII buys for holiday photos / holiday movie that has ...
- Too much money
- A too small penis
- It earned in all of his vacation to get stolen Equitment
Quasi no authorization life ;-)
B. DeKid Yes there is something truly tuned!
But if it were, 70% expected to have a
Apple or BMW 5 Series, etc. afford virtually synonymous little or too much money
Penis .. ? haha
But in earnest .. s.wem directed the 5D else?
Except Retired wealthy amateur filmmakers!
A professional photographer will hardly want to have video capabilities?
Antwort von KrischanDO:
A professional photographer will hardly want to have video capabilities? But:
The press photographers, who for some time, a stop must deliver image and for the website of the newspaper an unambitious movie of 30 seconds.
The agency-supplier, the image of their agency and the stills give the footage to 15 seconds Dealer shaky images.
Funny, there will be at events like the Love Parade, where photography was allowed, but video cameras were prohibited ...
Antwort von B.DeKid:

The 5 Series has always been Canon of the SemiPro series, say many photographers with a small studio, etc. Camera use this number for years because they are cheaper than the 1st series.
Private citizens to buy more because of hundreds or tens Series series.
(eg, 400D or 40D)
B. DeKid
Antwort von Jan:
We had today Dieter Küppersbusch of Canon as a guest. He is as ultimate video freak known him synonymous've already taken 2 times - he is often synonymous in Japan .....
Antwort von PowerMac:
(...) From something I read not affect me! (...) A sweet flash memory, my Zizi!
Antwort von strike300xxx:

I do now that the format, such as Nikon, Motion JPEG will be.
Corrected me if I am wrong.
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Why you need a format for "tap" if the specifications of the Manufacturer rausgelesen simply can?
Antwort von Debonnaire:
As was perfectly lit, probably only s.Werk professionals!
I doubt that 90% of customers 5D such videos (can)!
The final result usually looks at the holiday videos from depressing! Logo! It is synonymous matter to show what is possible, not what the Druchschnittseumel hinkriegt!
Look what a Stephen Soderberg from a Canon XL1 rausholt (cinema quality) and what the average amateur video with the same cam delivers! Therefore buy less video camera these amateurs? - Nope!
Antwort von Zizi:

Often, these videos are not with the serial device made!
Probably specially constructed Lenses and Filters, etc. etc.
The errinert me always s.die Gamplay Movies of computer games!
ZBS. Crysis .. even months in advance where videos of the game were shown but the "end game" never the quality of the promotional videos have been achieved! Kundenverarsche what actually is! Just because the engine is capable, the game does not look like this!
The same applies vlt synonymous. in the 5D!
I put my hand into the fire is not whether a series 5D synonymous bring something!
Let alone a sow without expensive equipment and no frame by frame in the tuning Postprotuktion!
Advertising is just exaggeration and deception in the end what usually never reached ..
Antwort von Debonnaire:
Advertising is just exaggeration and deception in the end what usually never reached .. Ooohhh ... na DAS is ja mal ne new and exciting finding that has never really had anybody suspected! Wow, so what of clever!
And what exactly do we do now with this insane dependencies?
Antwort von Axel:

Anything that is not carefully and with
attention to detail is made, looks boring and mediocre from. One reason: Because it is.
Neighbor's holiday would be synonymous on IMAX no less depressing. Or, shall we say, would be just the thing to ;-)
Antwort von Zizi:

The same would have been equally synonymous with a 500 camcorder and selbstgebastelten ¬ 100 ¬ 35mm adapters can make!
And None notice the difference!
In fact I want more!
Whether the 5D really makes great videos will only show who they are without corruption Tests!
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... Whether the 5D really makes great videos will only show ... Fang but please get s.zu think before you write! Yourself with your postings on laughing to make is your free choice and your right, but a corruption accusation you can - if the wrong people it should read - faster in Devil's kitchen than you seem to think. Well-Tip: Edit your post.
Antwort von pailes:
The same would have been equally synonymous with a 500 camcorder and selbstgebastelten ¬ 100 ¬ 35mm adapters can make! Do not fool yourself. No 500 ¬ camcorder makes such light conditions such recordings.
Whether the 5D really makes great videos will only show who they are without corruption Tests! Sure, they are all corrupt. Rarely so laughed. I would s.Deiner body of the Council Bernd follow, you clown forums.
Antwort von Zizi:

As you said ..
Where do you want to know how the 5D works?
Do you have something already?
Or because she thinks her 1-2 videos on Youtube to have seen
Knowing her since?
I doubt the picture quality far beyond a HF100 is!
Whether they are performing well Lowlight such as the video will show!
Although so much illumination you can almost no longer call Lowlight?
if the wrong people it should read - faster in Devil's kitchen than you seem to think So ein scheiß .. I have not even named!
Or should I hang the camcorder mafia .. ?
Corrupt tests there .. why should I watch what I say?
Antwort von PowerMac:

No, the camcorder-Mafia will not kill. But you continually claim the huge shit and annoying me. You have no arguments. Finally learning how a reasonable person to argue and even rudimentary scientific.
Antwort von Zizi:
No, the camcorder-Mafia will not kill. But you continually claim the huge shit and annoying me. You have no arguments. Finally learning how a reasonable person to argue and even rudimentary scientific. I have claimed nothing but just call into question!
wenns dich nervt so what else can be done here your name position
In any event, have been here many times the cameras highly advertised dan
more ill than were legally!
See the recently Pana SD100 where a lot of users here in the forum, the new mini miracle Lowlight predicted with their 3 - CMOS ... which actually represents the largest Lowlightsemmel I saw for the money!
The 5D will show whether the promotional videos of Canon true!
Although I am confident in!
Antwort von PowerMac:
(...) Which actually represents the largest Lowlightsemmel I saw for the money! (...) Yes, but your impression is synonymous no objective test.
Antwort von KrischanDO:

@ Zizi:
Times we go there in order to:
Canon Full-builds excellent DSLR housings.
They build on this excellent housing Lenses which are significantly more Resolutionals HD user.
(This I write as a longtime Nikon-use professional photographer.)
Canon also builds excellent camcorder. A certain degree of expertise in Picture Processing is probably available.
(This I write as SonyEX-1-use video-Beginners)
Since Canon will probably already achieved a DSLR body to develop the full HD video manière ausspuckt.
And when the then still a good video maker with a passable budget losschicken to a few nice demos turn, then the manage without secretly give an Ikegami 100.000 .- or a 35mm Arri take them.
This is something that seeps into the industry quickly, because any man with his camera phone with swivel draufhält or times in the third floor of a neighboring house s.Drehort its EOS 1 with the 2.8 300 is s.Fenster had ...
The earlier recall here maybe s.Atari calculator and the desktop publishing software "Calamus" and how beautiful it is the Atari fans were, as transpired that some Mac magazines on Calamus was produced ...
Zizi, Sweetheart - Not everything that is outside your experience or your imagination played out is through lies and fraud have come into being.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Zizi on the advertising campaign against the windmills (39.90 compatriots already?) ;-)
So I'm going to get the 5D MKII may soon indulge - as PHOTO CAMERA - because let's what you like so that shooting can be.
But from 100 meters with the 300mm L IS from the high seat, the kestrels scan, shortly after the morning at 7h, think that fits very well - that I am already looking forward.
With the right lenses can, and will already vernümpftig work.
What and how well they will be filming, it turns out then.
But since I am from the "handling" somewhat "cameras" prefer instead of cameras, will be the best moment shots are. (If mother falcon nest bears eat s.das can already adjust)
I will but hardly on my Roces (inline skates), the 5D in my hands and any rider ahead / behind and driving his "moves / tricks" film - that I think it is synonymous in no way suitable.
I ever wrote ....
"The reason why the photographer can not make films, and is only just that we do not both equipment s.das Set / drag to the location / can." ............
The Comparison with a 500 euro plus 100 euro Camera 35 mm adapter but it is full of the Popo.
Lenses I have here more than the 5D MKII cost, use this successfully s.EOS 1/1V or 400D, and as you can see quickly if one compares sample shots (friend has synonymous ne 400D) is a good lens already makes a difference, da geb ich dir mal Zizi right - that's why the construction but not for advertising clips PL mount lenses.
The only use the lenses from the good VERY GOOD stock Canon has / offers.
Additionally ...............
The focus on good concepts / ShotList.
Since each shot to the last detail planned / built.
Since gasoline is not normally a consumer rangezogen severity million advertising campaign to shoot - or probably even understand?
All this somehow is always corrupt in our world, in this forum is really inappropriate. Vorallem put you far too much "heart" in your thread - a little objectivity and serenity brings you more friends - synonymous if I understand what you want to express.
@ Debonnarie
Which film of Stephen Soderberg do you regard Canon XL1?
B. DeKid
Antwort von Zizi:
All this somehow is always corrupt in our world That I never said yes!
I just want to say that such a Web video with much less "Camera" (money) can be done!
I do not doubt a 5D is bad / is!
This will still show all .. (maybe I put it to me myself)
But only by a shot of Canon advertising web videos like a video hype around this camera, I find it simply too hasty!
The camera is not even s.markt and everyone claims it is the
Pure madness!
The Canon is currently the best commercial build sensors is clear ..
but that does not mean that this camera is the ultimate insanity .. because it still has None knows except the promotional video!
What else would Slashcam etc. if this cam would have already tested ..
But it will probably still time!
Antwort von Jan:

Well hopefully delivers the Canon Camera at last.
Werd then quickly Munich unsafe at night, may find a few backyards. Then it will show whether they are a PD 170 is killer ....
@ KrischanDO - then I'm not alone, based on the Camera pleased synonymous if the whole DSLR scene 160 pages long on the old Focus module with 9 AF + 6 auxiliary fields of morning to evening excited ....
If you have the right professional (which is successful) take of talking about this "tail comparisons" not only whether this camera with good pictures to elicit or not.
Antwort von KrischanDO:
@ KrischanDO - then I'm not alone, based on the Camera pleased
Jan Hi,
since a few weeks, I have SonyEX-1 and a Nikon D700.
The step of the D200 to the D700 was just great, it was (former F3 HP had) so I'm back at home "feeling.
As long as my customers do not kaprizieren, for their A4 pages a D3x need to file, it just remains there.
The EX-1 may be more likely than I ever will do so professionally.
So I ignore the whole video first DSLR. ;-)