Frage von Mineu:
I have myself a Canon DC 100 camcorder increased.
Now I had fetstellen that I like in the films on DVD have done. This is not on my PC to correct Shooting (with headers, background music, etc.) with a corresponding software can edit.
Are there opportunities?
About tips, I would be very grateful.
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Hi Micha,
it looks rather good and no information in advance about, you would have a lot of trouble afterwards spared. I have extra again on the Canon website compatriots, because I `s not even really wanted to believe, but have the device actually only an AV-output (analog ??!!)" gifts "! Especially for the synonymous only "a bit" ambitious amateur filmmakers, the absolute Supergau! Ie in plain text, you can choose your movies directly only of the DVD (MPEG-VOB format) on TV, or via analog connection (component AV Output Picture / Sound) into a calculator with analog input (VIVO capable graphics card or interface card with analog inputs) time. Anyone who builds something only? .-)
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

no, you can synonymous the VOB files into editing software to import and then process. Pinnacle Studio can do s.Version 9th With automatic scene after separating time code, it is natural vinegar, Studio 9 recognizes but pretty good for image content, if the scenes are not just strong and fast fluctuating lighting, or the rapidly changing motives.
Ideally, it is not, of course, from the tape directly into the PC is always of better quality than the DVD. Sooooo huge but the differences are not wenns halt and the only way ...
Antwort von Bernd E.:
Are there opportunities? As in other Camera synonymous score not just the yellow from the egg, I would - if the time is still possible - very seriously thinking about returning it to the dealer.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von MINEU:

Thank you for your quick responses.
A pity, because I, as a newcomer to the notes of the seller was instructed and this sounded very promising, I decided for this camcorder. The statements included in the network, unfortunately, synonymous no indication that man with no editing program s.Pc the films can edit.
Do you have a tip, where I sell the camcorder s.besten and what for me to edit my films would s.besten?
Thanks in advance!
Antwort von Bernd E.:
Do you have a tip for me ... how to edit my films would s.besten? A special model, I can not advise you because I am in this class too little familiar, but with a MiniDV camcorder (instead of DVD or hard drive) of Sony, Panasonic or Canon, JVC possibly synonymous, are you on this point at Page safe.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von

... but I can give you a model, because I think that you are synonymous in this price range want to stay?
Panasonic NV-GS 27 EC-S; 300EURO for approx.
No Knaller .-), but for most of the opportunity a very good filmmaker price / performance ratio! (Test winner in the price range up to 600 (!) EUR.
Has everything a filmmaker needs a hobby, to a lack of S-VHS output to connect s.den TV, but the simpler AV Komponetenausgang doing `s synonymous!
Selling the "old" Cam on ebay you can .-) or try to stop once they really changed!
Antwort von MINEU:

Thank you for your support.
I keep you posted what my problem is!
Antwort von Markus:
[gs27] ... to a lack of S-VHS Output [...] but the simpler AV Komponetenausgang doing `s synonymous! ...
Composite-Output... ;-)
Was ist ein...?
Component Signal
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... ups ... sorry ... yes you are soooo right! .-))
COMPOSITE! (unmodulated video signal via a yellow RCA Male)
... and when Cam `s then still mostly the same sound with it (Black Male) .-)