Frage von tipi:
I will soon present a camera I buy only the question is what ...
I actually had already decided and for the canon xh ss
The only drawback is that this camera is "only" band recording.
nor would the panasonic AG HVX 201 AE in question because the tape drive and yes p2 card slots owns. However, because the enormously consequential with p2 cards ...
Then came the panasonic AG HMC 151 E raus ... ne feine sache really up to the few things I'm not really convince ... eg that it only takes up to 16:9 ... this annoys me bissl ... the camcorder and then turn "only" an SD card slot and no tape drive.
Now my question: is there a suitable docking recorder for canon xh ss?
have nothing in google and here in the forum synonymous found nothing: (This would be my opinion, perfect. and would be quite good from the canon a very good camera make:)
if you do want to make other suggestions, I am of course open to all your opinions ... I'm looking for is a function of the camera as well as the extensive canon xh ss and the whole band as both synonymous tapeless recording ... but since I have been acquainted for several weeks, so it seems not to give something (in this price range up to 4500 euro for example) ...
So would probably be a dockrecorder the right choice, but I do not know whether there was suitable for the camera on there and what we should look out or something then again what would cost and how reliable is sowas.
I hope to answer many of the me forward
with best regards
Antwort von B.DeKid:
Fire doors - hot then. You can find plenty of threads.
My tip NAB but wait, maybe yes Canon brings with new toy ;-)
B. DeKid
Antwort von schellemedia:

There are synonymous variant of the SONY ...
SONY HVR-MRC1K - Recording Format: HDV1080 i / DVCAM / DV
- Aufzeicnung CF CARD
- Connecting via Firewire s.jede Camera!
- (The best course for SONY Z5 / Z7)
- Costs about 800.00 ¬ gross (eg TELTEC)
- In our rental p.10, 00 ¬
Antwort von kosmonaut:

or take the Edirol F1 - HDD recorder, which also offers two extra audio tracks, 120 GB removable hard disk. Will also be connected via FireWire. It's slightly more expensive, around 2200 ¬ I think.
Greetings, cosmonaut
Antwort von Johannes:
or take the Edirol F1 - HDD recorder, which also offers two extra audio tracks, 120 GB removable hard disk. Will also be connected via FireWire. It's slightly more expensive, around 2200 ¬ I think.
Greetings, cosmonaut It is synonymous something bigger. For xl h models even a very good combination because of handling, for which xh s.meine me he is a bit too big. However, there were still a Japanese manufacturer in whose name I unfortunately do not come.
Antwort von kosmonaut:

Ok, you can dock the Edirol s.die Xh-s.synonymous not, but you can stop him in an extra bag to transport. Good is synonymous, which he pretty much everything s.Strom takes s.12V. it can even with 8 * 1.5 V operation (internal, removable battery). Otherwise, with battery belt (XLR) or AC adapter or (optional) V-Mount.
Antwort von Jogi:

SonyZ5 or Z7, as already hinted above. Where you can dock directly. Now I know exactly whether this garnicht s.der FX1000 synonymous possible. The would be much cheaper to have!
Antwort von tipi:

s.schon so many reply, thank you for this time:)
The fire tore vehicle focus of sounds not bad at ... if I understand correctly closes the dinger s.die via firewire camera s.and then the visual material and audio material on the disk stored in the format that I previously had set s.firestore?
I work with final cut ... there would be quicktime format quite well because he has nothing to render, or is that when the fire tore dinger no preference then?
wär s.besten already that the hard disk or card-recorder then s.der camera that could easily attach it to the great film disturbs.
and nab the wait of course I still ab:)
'm still open to suggestions of all art and thanks for the reply I already have:)
gruss tipi
Antwort von Jogi:

see Focus FireStore FS-5.html
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Via Velcro tape can the Fire-proof doors.
B. DeKid
Antwort von Johannes:

To my knowledge, but synonymous directly s.den accessory shoe and ran there Bebob of a box which he below the camera is attached.