Infoseite // Canon XL1 hardly sharp images

Frage von Harry Hennlich:

Can someone help me.
Have been for some time a Canon XL1 and do so mainly skiing and sports. But I can hardly usable results. The Zoom "pumping" constantly and brings blurred images. Especially for skiing shots. (I often have a mixture of sharp and blurred Torstangen racers)
Even in the simplest panorama shots are few sharp images.
Neither in position nor Maik car with closed Aperture are sound recordings to get.
Have read that a Softwearfehler something can happen.
I have such a mistake ..... or I'm too dähmmmliiich the thing to use.
Greetings and thanks for the help Harry


Antwort von KrischanDO:


my experiments with the XL1 Handball scenes to film were not synonymous toll. From the grandstand to the players to follow, image size approximately one quarter of the game, no problem, everything sharp.
Any other shots, Stills, houses, family scenes, no problem.

But the sharpness of a handball on board, who within a run comes (no Bundesliga, but e-Youth): Very frustierend.
Neither manual (odd nonlinear reactions) or with AF.
The autofocus a D200 or D700 seems to be a different class than an 8 year old camcorder.

Question s.die professionals: Is that even possible? Such a rapid movement mitfokussieren?



Antwort von masterseb:

complete with manual focus (no translation servo motor), the serwohl, with good optics as appropriate. in manual mode should be complete in everything but weitwinkel be sharp. the objective is so changeable, so it has a back focus, which could be adjusted, which would be the inability to make sharp explain (the problem still remains a well-known among the community XL1).

"The standard 16x lens included with the XL1 camera body has drawn sharp criticism from many professional Videographer. This is primarily due to the nature of the servo-actuated focus and zoom functions of the lens, which basically means that even in full manual mode, one is not manually controlling the lens. Instead, the manual focus and zoom control rings s.internal motor which in turn operates the zoom and focus mechanism. As a result, the operation of this lens is quite different from traditional manual lens controls, including The Canon L1 and L2 "

"When your XL1 goes in for service, it gets cleaned, lubricated, and adjusted to factory specifications. Sounds just like your yearly medical fitness examination, and it is. Certain critical aspects of camcorder operation are inspected, and if need be, corrected. This includes the infamous "focus problems" that some people have complained about. Even if you do not think there's anything wrong with your XL1, you should send it in anyway, because the Canon service technicians will notice things that you may not. "

problem here is s.fokus next topic:

The XL1 is now really very old. that is why there are so synonymous the XL1S, but I can not say whether in the better. I do not know why this camera is still sold, there are first, the XL2 and secondly it has exhausted the dv series. but that's another story.


Antwort von Harry Hennlich:


Thanks for the suggestions.

Best wishes from the already easily covered Kitzbuhel in Austria


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