Infoseite // Canon s100 or s200 HF?

Frage von naich:

Hello people!

A friend of me want to buy a camcorder ... and after I had ever dealt with the topic, I've offered my help ...

Have me now time rummaging through the Canon Page and found there are so many new models that I can give to me so quickly is not a complete overview.
As a luminous intensity of Cam's consumer series, I've now identified the time the S100 and S200. (The versions with built-in memory are more interesting!). What distinguishes the S100 and the S200? I have found at Comparison of technical data really nothing ... Or have I missed something?

Same sensor, same size
Same Optics
The S200 has two slots for cards (rather uninteresting), + long exposure time for images (rather interesting)
That's it ...?

If so, I would advise to S100, because at the moment with about 650 - much cheaper than the S200 for about 950, -

Would you agree with me?

If someone can still call options (1000 -), or a cheaper source of white, then this info is also welcome ...

Thank you!

Regards ...


Antwort von Bernd E.:

"Naich" wrote: ... What distinguishes the S100 and the S200? I have found at Comparison of technical data really nothing ...
From the paper speaks for the S200 including the synonymous significantly better display or finally returned LANC port. Whether this is for you interesting enough to justify the higher price, only you can decide. The HFS200 is currently on the way to get around 850 ¬.


Antwort von naich:

Hi ..

You reht! When I use the compare function on the Canon Page use is only on the S100 Page something to the display, thought that would be so if both are equal ...
What's the stupid Compare function properly? :-)

Ok, then I look again due!

The display would be ever an argument!

Thank you!

Regards ...


Antwort von Bernd E.:

"Naich" wrote: ... When I use the Compare function to use the Canon Page S100 is only on the Page to display something, thought that would be so if both are equal ...
The Comparison on the Canon website is more of a treasure hunt, because although the same details are present, they are listed on several cameras but some different lines. Whoever this has come up, the Compare function has probably never even used once synonymous.


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