Frage von Norge1977:
can someone help me next?
I harbeite still with a conventional action. But I would like to grow the Canon xm2.
Seeking a Cam with bow. I make movies when you run.
But would like to know if I can synonymous on SD Card Shooting.
Since cassettes not so great I think. For the class got in, I find them already.
Who can I help next.
Thanks in advance.
Antwort von hofnarr:

the xm2 takes only on DV-tapes. card slot on the video recording is not possible.
Antwort von Norge1977:

Thanks for your tip. Say you have a tip, with which camera I can shoot over synonymous Card?
I brew a slightly movies Cam to run to turn.
Ironing, good image stability is very important to me.
Who else can I rec a Cam.?
Antwort von Bernd E.:

Were not bad, if you would specify a price range: Henkel cameras move around between 2500 and 6500 ¬. Cheaper's will only if you montierst a handle from the accessories trade s.einen small camcorder.
Antwort von Norge1977:

Thanks for the reply.
Should not like to go over 3000 ¬.
Is the Panasonic AG-HMC40 Panasonic AG-Twin HMC40E an alternative?
Antwort von Bernd E.:

In this price range the choice is clear: The Panasonic would be worth a closer look (at least "HMC41" - the 40 is the U.S. version), and then there would be nor the JVC GY-of HM100. With a little luck could, however, synonymous already the big brother of HMC41, the HMC151 be to get for around 3000 ¬.
Antwort von Norge1977:

Thanks for your tip.
The HMC41E are the synonymous already used or not?
Who is better the Panasonic or GY-HM100?
look under because I have a movie sitting sadly with condoning a cam. would like to make movies synonymous when running for that I need a proper action.