Frage von mastergreg:
Hello dear community,
I am looking for my section located in the fine movie "monoculture" or a composer.
Click here for more information about my project:
Click there simply left bottom of the menu, those items on the wish to know more;)
If you interested in the project and you would like to contribute musically to write me via the contact form on the page. Then you will receive a link through which you can watch the movie.
If you do not have enough time, to accompany the 74-minute film with Music (: of course not complete), you could choose some synonymous sites and focus on that.
It would be nice to finish the project within the next two months to be able to because I want to use the film for my application in January.
Gregor Tallig
---- Update ----
Thank you for the many requests! We found a composer and the musical part is almost complete.
Thanks again s.alle interested!
Antwort von einsiedler:

Commissioned for a 74min. Feature film, including recording, mixing, mastering, synchronization in two months? Brave!
For a professional film composer, which is 12 hours a day will turn and is equipped with an appropriate budget and pre-and happens to have within the next two months, the contract may be possible.
Good luck!
Why do you care now drum until your minutes since. 2 years turn works?
You probably will only compromise in question - a pity because the story seems to be interesting.
Antwort von mastergreg:

Hi Hermit,
I have written with several composers who have looked at 2 months as in order. Unfortunately, so far rejected all synonymous.
I have no problem synonymous with it if it takes longer, but I would need until January at least part of the music so that I get from the film a 10-minute segment for the job.
I am not a new departure in the search for a composer. So I've started, as the rough cut was completed, which is already synonymous back 3-4 months. But that's a long story ...^^
Antwort von bArtMan:
I have written with several composers who have looked at 2 months as in order. Unfortunately, so far rejected all synonymous. Is synonymous perhaps because you do not answer emails.
Antwort von tonk:

How much can you pay?
Antwort von Mink:

Cruel website .... let someone ran there once the can.
In the Music of luck ....
..... Do it like John Carpenter ... minimalist and self-
Antwort von mastergreg:

Apologies that I can answer just not the emails, but unfortunately I could not for the weekend on my email account access, I hope this will change tomorrow (; Monday).
Because of the payment: Unfortunately I can not really offer much more than 300 ¬.
Best wishes,