Newsmeldung von slashCAM: Corel Announces Ulead Movie 6 at distillery of thomas - 10 Apr 2007 15:49:00
Corel, the new owner of Ulead, the version 6 (PROs) of the film distiller (in the English speaking world MovieFactory baptized) announced. This DVD-authoring software includes functions for creating of HD / Blue-ray (Pro version) and standard DVDs, as well as the possibility videos before burning to edit, Dolby AC3 5.1 support (Pro version), easy to create templates of Vorspännen with animated overlays, direct capture of video of such diverse sources such as television images, videos or down loaded from the camcorder, slideshow functionality and includes the WinDVD software DVD player and the copy tool of InterVideo DVDCopy (Pro version only). Support will be editing, converting and importing of the formats HDV, AVCHD and DivX. The English version is available s.sofort, the German s.nächsten month - the price for the download version is 25 ¬ for film distiller 6 and 55 ¬ for the version Pros. Trial versions available for download from Ulead.
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Antwort von Eva Maier:

Is this the epilogue?
The message was already 2 months ago.
/ E
Antwort von Eva Maier:

Weil passt grad so schön
/ E