Frage von get2her:
Hi everyone!
I must say I've never been with DSP was made just before encore, but a crack, I am by far not. In any case, I now the order of my superiors to find out whether it is possible in the main menu with rollover buttons on a sound or a short sound to Music (for each button a different)
Well yes and since it is somehow only the normal and the activated state of the DSP, there, I wanted to now some experts wonder whether this is because somehow?
About answer I would be extremely grateful!
:) Eva
Antwort von Axel:

Give "rollover" in the Quick Search that and you will read repeatedly depressing the simple answer is "No".
With HD and BD is the issue. It appears that certain media from the player into a memory to be loaded before the menu starts, so that any time two or even three tracks can run parallel. But this goes with any DVD player. Your superiors are not pleased.
Antwort von get2her:

Thank you for the quick reply!
Well, then I have bad news to bring .... perhaps there is indeed another solution .... the relevant movie in small show or so it seems to work ....
Antwort von get2her:

Umm so maybe someone knows another program, so with the rollover effect is feasible?
Thank you very much! Eva
Antwort von dietzemichi:

a way that I can offer, but not the dvd would be contrary to standard, would be the building with flash. if you have something of the products belongs video2brain, you use the flash as far as I know. then you would have ultimately a flash dvd, but unfortunately not on a normal dvd player. vll, it is an option.
gruß michi