Infoseite // Dolby license jungle ...

Frage von scrooge:

Salut together

somehow I do not even climbed through, when you can use, such as Dolby encoding.
Pinnacle Studio and Liquid Edition have the Dolby Digital 5.1 Creator. So I can encode a movie in 5.1.
I now need a license to distribute the film on DVD to be able to?
Or do I just need a license to miss this DVD, the Dolby Digital logo and / or a DD51-trailer?

Who can help or knows of a page, text, etc. where are all these license issues once said?

Thank schonmal.


Antwort von Axel:

Hello Hartmut.
Synonymous's you can sell without a license, as long as you do not with "DolbyDigital" recruit, and it "digital" or "AC3" call.
How far are you really with the movie theater sound? You now have to shuffle around 5.1?


Antwort von scrooge:

Hi Axel,

it's good to know schonmal. So back then you could write something like "with digital surround sound - playable on standard DVD players. Then we mean DD51 without saying so ;-)

We are still s.Schnitt and SFX, which still takes quite a long time. On issues such as sound, I only make me schonmal timely thoughts. Since our budget is already exhausted, we will probably choose the cheapest way: Tonendmischung in Pinnacle Studio. In return, we would be the O-sound as a stereo track in 5.1 space for positioning, animate as well as the Music and then only certain sources of noise in the room.
Synonymous Unfortunately I can not find a really good workshop on how to with the limited resources of a good riff studio surround sound image. For Liquid Edition I unfortunately no longer the money and find the handling a bit strange synonymous.

As you would with your budget to create a minimal 5.1-DVD?



Antwort von AndyZZ:

Remember that you are a DVD logo on your depositors, which you'll probably yes for the DVD to cover, must not be synonymous for free use.




Antwort von silentzero:

I need you to honestly say that I shit on something. I mean, I have Liquid Eidition and make my movies in Dolby Digital 5.1 because it is so synonymous in the DVD-completion. So why should I not the Dolby logo, or the trailer may use them.

Just as the DVD logo. Sowas pisses me a call.


Antwort von AndyZZ:

@ silentzero:
Let's say, did you thought of something really great, which has cost more synonymous viieeel Money. And of course, synonymous much do you want to earn money or else you would have invested so not there. You've thought up a nice name and a logo for example to protect him against Money can protect your case against a lot of money .... And then you realize that all the world supertoll finds any, it uses something None paid (!) And your brand to porn movies, Nazipropoganda, snuff videos, Kinderschändervideos ... . yours Because the people all that shit, pal, and you'd find it? Your logo is in the bucket, your name is in the bucket, your products will be synonymous None more .... Is still great!

Okay, that was now extremely exaggerated. The DVD logo, as well as the Dolby Digital logo are a certain seal of approval. The buyer has the assurance that everything meets the standards, if he buys something with this logo. Not licensed use, however, can pose a big problem, because perhaps the original Dolby encoder is used, but perhaps a freeware (BeSweet, etc.), because the DVDs are bookmarked as DVD-ROM as a special DVD + R. ... etc.

If you're doing it all for your own amusement, which is totally no preference, if you want to make money legally, and then introduces no way around s.der license. But may have merit for us the way-a-hobby-little money to pay filmer barely.

What bothers me is sometimes synonymous, but there are ways around it, which are synonymous not worse ....




Antwort von silentzero:

As you already say, with the Dolby logo, the customer has the certainty that it is Dolby Digital 5.1 is. And that's what it is doing synonymous. Otherwise it would be in the Dolby Digital 5.1 audio output is not available.

I've always only this one argument, because I just illogical. When I make my films in DD5.1, why should it not then show () trailer?


Antwort von AndyZZ:

Because you have a 5.1 surround sound synonymous with WAV files can do, or as AC3 with BeSweet or with Adobe Audition or or or .... And then there are possibly still like to be integrated with Dolby parameters just not there! However, I do not know exactly how it is when you have paid for example, the DolbyDigital plug-in for Premiere Pro (but it costs a few hundreds), whether you are actually allowed to Dolby Digital print on it. But since the encoder is indeed of Surcode unlikely ever to be allowed to award a licensing on behalf of Dolby. Schau doch mal according to the website of Dolby.




Antwort von WeiZen:

Off Topic to:
Since with the DVD logo has been addressed:
You may not use the logo if the press shop is certified.
They themselves need no license but the stamping plant, which
The DVD's produced. (Logically, then, the self-burned, the logo
yours may not)
Off Topic from



Antwort von Bernd:

Exactly: check Simply drop the Dolby HP - there are still all printed and licensed codecs. Codec is not equal and only the codec of Dolby licensed, synonymous deliver the official DD.
The Dolby Digital Encoder for Nuendo for example, costs 900 euros flaccid DTS codec and the same thing over again - so I can not imagine that there will be no difference (synonymous if the perhaps not immediately hears). As long as the codec of Dolby is not officially licensed, Thou mayest not use the logo synonymous, because just because Du'ne Digital 5.1 mix have made, it is still no Dolby Digital.

So, just check the HP - there are things with certainty somewhere.



Antwort von AndyZZ:

I jokingly asked simply times when the use of the Dolby Trademarks. They want to send me now what. Let's see what is in there and what it costs (for free, it can hardly be, or ??!!!). I'll keep you posted.




Antwort von Markus:

"silentzero" wrote: ... with the Dolby logo, the customer has the certainty that it is Dolby Digital 5.1 is.
Dolby Digital is available for a particular compression method and not necessarily for 5.1 surround sound. There are ussynonymous Dolby Digital 2.0, thus quite normal stereo sound. Stand-alone DVD recorders often record in this format.


Antwort von AndyZZ:

If anyone is still interested:
I have now signed (after 8 months !!!!) a Trade Mark License Agreement, that I can officially use the Dolby logo!! Free of charge, by the way ...
But the Dolby are people in the UK sowas Of assed so that you can not imagine that. Answer is, if anything, after the umpteenth reminder, it is missing half, then disappear the DVDs, which we have sent there ....
So, who dares wins. But makes you focus on a few months!


Antwort von Nancy:

Hi all, a question. I've just created a DVD depositors. The DVD will not go into the public sale but 20 of them are wasted. Do I have to still use the DVD logo on it or not? If they do how do I get for ne license and what information must not it? Thanks for your help, do not look through! Regards Nancy


Antwort von AndyZZ:

You should ask if you use the DVD DARFST logo!. The DVD logo is copyrighted and may only against payment of a non-negligible, s.4-digit royalties will be used.

What did you do that with Dolby to?


Antwort von samio:

And what if I just write down even DVD and nothing else? do I have to pay synonymous?


Antwort von DeeZiD:

Oh mann is written here again a waste ...

For use of Dolby Logo and trailers must be a so-called Trademark Agreement with Dolby finish. The same is free. Then you must additionally every DVD which we are only displayed for acceptance before sending s.Dolby may use the logo.

And is not the pressing plant and not the authoring studio need the Trade Market Agreement (as has been suggested here in the thread already) but has s.Endprodukt that of the rights.

The agreement has already been written as free, but you need lots of patience until it has since disappeared letters will not respond to e-mails, etc.


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