Infoseite // Dropped Frames!?

Frage von UE:

I have found after capturing (Sclive) ksehr short Bildruckler. From the camera or cassette does not matter, I've been tested. Hard disk defrag, etc. I had before.
What could be causing this?
What can you do for settings to prevent this problem?

While the actual choice of which program is better to save a movie on tape to: Sclive or MSP with exporting DV recording?

Is it true that before the intended use of a new DV tape reel off completely because of the time these codes earlier in the recording mode?

I know that there are many questions, but perhaps you can answer me this, thank you!



Antwort von Fan29:

Have you received analog or digital? And in what format? (DV-AVI, DivX, MPEG-2 ...?)


Antwort von UE:

I have digitally captured in DV-Avi!


Antwort von Fan29:

Hmm, then there should really be working, without stuttering. Yes you can try again, all the programs that run in the Hintergrundl and you do not necessarily need to eliminate. (Antivirus, firewall, etc.)


Antwort von UE:

Have an extra partition for the Vidoschnitt (XP SP1), the calculator does not depend s.Netz and have it actually, as far as I could set up for cutting and running in the background is no virus scanner or something similar!


Antwort von Fan29:

Have you tried it schonmal with MSP? (I go from your first contribution from the fact that you get that;))
I do that that is always the case: with MSP Capture can capture video and then split with the normal Scenalyzer.


Antwort von Markus:

Displays the Scenalyzer any dropped frames on?


Antwort von UE:

I have previously done with MSP capturing, there were no problems. With ScenalyzerLive I had never been synonymous problems, so it's a mystery to me why you are experiencing this problem now!

Dropped frames: I Sclive set so that car is stopped at dropped frames!



Antwort von WeiZen:

Partition is not the same physically different disk.
If the operating system and video on a lie and the same physical disk, defragmentation to occur despite eventually drop frames. Always turn off video on a separate disk, virus software, in short, all the background programs.



Antwort von UE:

The funny thing is, once I had them on a plate and when we went!
Now I have it on different plates, and now no longer funny.



Antwort von grovel:

So if Scenalyzer no dropped frames indicates, then lost as synonymous not, ie it is 90% but s.den tapes or the camera. Or else, it's the player. Attempt at this, a "jerky sequence" replaying again on tape and see if it's still jerky.

SeeYa grovel


Antwort von Fan29:

Join the stuttering on a regular basis? And how quick succession about? Perhaps it only has something to do with the problem of field order to ... (?)


Antwort von UE:

On the tape, they are not available!


Antwort von Nightfly!:

Hello UE!

What kind of processor do you have and how much RAM?

If you have any problems here, I would guess that your system is not too fresh, and perhaps you have too many windows at least once patched.

Here again no general ways synonymous (to correct you)

If it shakes again, there are several possibilities:
1.) Camera,
2.) Firewire connection, disk speed, CPU speed, other Programs, refresh rate, codecs, drivers
3.) MPEG bitrate, frame rate, Rohling, codecs

to 1.) camera or tape is not OK?
to 2.)
- Even when capturing "dropped frames"?
Correction by "Motion Perfect 4:03"

- Hardware?
Enable DMA mode for plates
Processor performance (check usage) and RAM (Play <1GB, editing> 1GB)
Frame rate (NTSC 75 85 100Hz)
Chipset driver (for newer search)

- Other processes?
for example, disable virus scanners

to 3.)
- Bitrate?
Watch in older DVD players must be at the maximum bit rate!
(MPEG2 Video Bitrate 7000-8000 kbps)
See more here:

- Frame rate
during fast panning / movement is interlaced (50i - lower field first) better than progressive (25p)

- Codecs not installed correctly (synonymous directX!)?

- Blank DVDs?
others try

For more information about troubleshooting (



Antwort von Macmacmac:

As the matter is out?
Have the same problem. Dropouts at Leading of mini-DV via Firewire - but there it dropped frames in the recording of TV images do not.


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