Frage von greenhornproduction:
I'm in front of an amateur short-videkamera on the Canon XM2 changed. I turn for some time-amateur skateboard movies.
when setting the exposure time, I am still uncertain.
for professional skateboard videos, I have observed that despite the standbild rapid movements is extremely sharp. which usually means a long exposure times. Nevertheless, the movements are not as usual choppy. I think the building even has a little bit of a film look (I am not of the colors or filter, etc., but the frame of sequence).
perhaps someone knows in this area and can help me.
Antwort von Markus:
for professional skateboard videos, I have observed that despite the standbild rapid movements is extremely sharp. which usually means a long exposure times. No, this makes for a very short exposure time.
Nevertheless, the movements are not as usual choppy. I'm surprised ... and follow this thread here next. ;-)
... I think the building even has a little bit of a film look (I am not of the colors or filter, etc., but the frame of sequence). But it would be choppy but then again ... Just 24p. This picture is so happy fault (synonymous) viewed as a film look.
Antwort von Chezus:

This is rather the other way. A long exposure time causes unschärfe with moving images.
If you are a breastfeeding image and make the exposure on my post 5 seconds, the shot Still Image exposed for 5 seconds. That means that everything within 5 seconds of this happening is with recorded.
Say, if you do longer the exposure, the picture blurred.
DV cameras have fields due to a shorter exposure time than film cameras and therefore have a sharper picture.
The skateboarding videos are the majority only with DV cameras, however, like synonymous to 16mm (as synonymous snowboard videos)
What you want to do is probably with a program a reality. Frame rate, progressive output, color correction, etc.
Antwort von Schleichmichel:
DV cameras have fields due to a shorter exposure time than film cameras and therefore have a sharper picture. 1 / 48 (film at 24fps) against 1 / 50 (in DV 50i mode), I do not think sooooo much shorter, Chezus;)
Both can shorten the exposure time, which Bewegugen are very crisp. Saving Private Ryan is a cinematic example ... 28 Days Later the video counterpart.
Antwort von Chezus:

You notice it especially because of the half. And shorter the exposure time, since I had not mistaken
Antwort von greenhornproduciton:

first thank you for your reply.
I would be interested to know how short you s.besten adjust the exposure time should be. the recordings should be very crisp across the movements, but not too choppy.
is an exposure time of 1 / 120 or even advisable shorter [/ u]
Antwort von Markus:
the recordings should be very crisp across the movements, but not too choppy. Here is USDI movement speed is crucial. Try just different exposure times, check the recordings s.Television and then select your personal Optimal exposure time.