Frage von aecp:
Hi community,
I have a important question.
I have old 8mm films shot and edited with Studio 10.6.
Now working days after the film will be created.
After gestriegen half a day and all night, the movie creation Calculator Sch *** *** Micros in Sch **** pulled an update to the calculator and restart. (The times you have to imagine).
The film preparation is involuntarily terminated.
If I now restart the project and invite back to film creation going, he begins the rendering of effects / titles / menus ect. pp. Of the front, although he has already done everything and still render the material 14GB folder of Pinnacle is located.
How can I force him rendered the old files back into use? (Always re-encode movie is not activated).
Why does it take to actually Sch ** for so long, have here an AND X2 and Renders to the dead, especially because the source material already in MPEG2 (DVD compliant format) is available.
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

After gestriegen half a day and all night, the movie creation Calculator Sch *** *** Micros in Sch **** pulled an update to the calculator and restart. (The times you have to imagine).
... welcome to the club ... is already happening to me synonymous (Studio 9), because it turns the car in Windows Update shorter. Your PC was _not_ to blame in any case :-)
You need the whole can of new render. Otherwise it is simply not true. And hopefully you have not Dropped frames in the source material: if the negative is, the rendering process is sometimes.
If the newly-established material under the same name as the first time will be stored, chances are quite good that not again re-cut to be. This first open up a new project and open the AVI to Scene detection. Project, Old Project. With luck it will fit again.
Fine holiday yet