Frage von Charlie:
Hi Folks,
'm still bloody Beginners and now need doch mal 'nen advice of a professional!
Have I bought a Kodak CX 7530 digital camera and wanted to shoot small clips and then display them on my HP.
My HP I created with Frontpage, now I do not get this film is pure, whatever I was doing there for a mistake??
Synonymous not really know how I have to start this.
My camera produces to the movies in. MOV format.
Would I look huge, but if I can help someone.
Thanks Charlie
Antwort von Kiara Borini:

The problem can be broadly with the word "codec" signal. Synonymous is a first-string. ;-) The second key would be "MJPEG".
Generally you will find represented in this forum the view that video clips of DigiCams are all possible, just not video. I agree with this opinion.
By the way, not only the codec questions to consider when it comes to video clips on the Web site, but a lot of legal issues synonymous. Just the ubiquitous background music in the background when any urban "twist" may in retrospect be very expensive!
Keywords for a targeted search would be here, "PRS", "Law s.eigenen Picture", "stalking", etc.
DV is an ambitious amateur in such cases, perhaps, the Faces, Blur of outsiders, a bar, etc. drüberlegen and auspegeln sound s.entsprechenden places so that it is legally non-critical.
* * After he is down sampling the whole thing to the desired target format. MJPEG, in this case probably not be the first choice.
Antwort von Chris_Wob:

In FrontPage, you need an HTML code to your Quicktime video reinzustellen. My HP is also made with FrontPage and the code works synonymous.
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" align="center" width="240">
<td> <OBJECT id = "QuickTime Player"
width = "240" as shown below
height = "196" as shown below
classid = "CLSID: 02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B"
codebase = "" VIEWASTEXT>
<PARAM Name="src" value=" deinvideo .mov">
<PARAM Name="AUTOPLAY" value="true">
<PARAM Name="loop" value="false">
<EMBED name = "EmbedQuickTimePlayer"
pluginspage = ""
width = "240" <- individually adapted
height = "196" <- individually adapted
src = "deinvideo. mov"
autoplay = "true"
loop = "false"
controller = "true"
enablejavascript = "true">
</ OBJECT> <br> </ td>
</ tr>
</ table> The red-marked please remove or change!
Antwort von Charlie:

Hello Chris, have many thanks for your great tip, and especially for your quick help.
Will they try the same times. This response was at least useful!
Thanks Charlie
Kiara, it is nice that you answered me. Only it was helpful in None ways! These movies of my dog are synonymous only interested in my friends. So, therefore, of ..........
I will also want to compare me with you, professional manner in None, because it's supposed to be fun.
Antwort von Chris_Wob:

Jo no problem, but the forum is there for.
And if you still have problems always ask ;-)
Antwort von Kiara Borini:

Kiara, it is nice that you answered me. Only it was helpful in None ways! These movies of my dog are synonymous only interested in my friends. So, therefore, of ..........
I will also want to compare me with you, professional manner in None, because it's supposed to be fun.
Charlie I'm sorry that you have obviously got the wrong way. If rauskehren the "professional", but help to avoid (expensive) trouble. If it only goes to your dog (of which you've written anything in the first posting) You is likely to have the sole rights to exploit. Then it's OK to carry on.
It made the moment, unfortunately, synonymous totally different movies in the Internet. Via camera phone by the toilet door with, in dressing rooms, etc. So I will not fail to mention that I - it should catch me once - would exhaust all remedies. With the fun this is such a thing, not everyone has the same humor and whoever has the nickname, has often synonymous a good lawyer ...
But I do not assumed that you Dost something up his sleeve, but I thought I'll give just one indication that synonymous thoughtless action can be very expensive. This is true not only for the "professionals" (which in any case always earn less money with their work), but now synonymous for amateurs who make a hobby out of their Web sites. Legally, they stop publishers, regardless of whether they earn an income with it.
The reference to the practice followed in DigiCams MJPEG compression was also helpful meant. I stopped thinking that you were already considered a step next to the integrated clip and would have problems because he is on the "target machine" is not installed correctly. That encodes the Frontpage is still not automatic, was not aware honest; HTML created by me with quite traditionally Arachnophilia by hand.
So no offense, and a lot of fun with your dog videos!
One final note: For me the fun arises only in the post. This applies to Stillimage and especially when it comes to video. To give up this intervention options, which would deprive me of the joke. Whether I want to put frolicking dogs into the net or wedding couples press on DVD.